2 minuets, seriously

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'Shit shit shit' you think to yourself while on your way to the drug store. When you get there, you go straight to the pregnancy test area and have a look at them all, 'I can't get a cheapy one, because then I won't trust the results, but the rest are all £9 or over, Urghh, I hate being female' you think to yourself while uncomfortably choosing. You grab two £9.50 ones and check them out at the till. You nervously walk home and on your way up the stairs, you hear Levi open his door. "Hey brat, you okay? What you got there?" He says while pointing to the bag clench in your right fist, "ohh nothing, just ran out of butter, that's all, I'm sorry, I don't feel to well so I'll talk some more later, bye" you frantically say while rushing off into your apartment. You rush into the bathroom and do the two tests, "seriously, it's gunna take two minutes until the results show" you sigh to yourself.

You decide to go make yourself your favourite hot drink. When you step out of the bathroom, Levi is there, 'fuck!' "Umm hey Levi, what, what you doing up here" you say nervously. He gives you his blank expression and sits on your bed, you walk over into the kitchen and make your drink, 'it's been 3 minutes now, they should be done' you think to yourself while turning to see into your bedroom where Levi is...only he wasn't there, you rush over and hear him in the bathroom. You're gripping onto your cup for dear life and start to shake from nerves. 'He's gunna see them, I'm fucking doomed' you thoughts started trailing on about before being interrupted by a thud coming from in the bathroom, you quickly put your drink down and rush in.

Levi is knelt on the floor looking down at the two pregnancy tests in his hands, "Levi I-" you where about to try and say something before he turned to look at you, he has tears streaming down his face, he says "please tell me I'm the father", you get down on the floor with him and say "you are" and with that, he smiles before hugging you tightly and cries tears of joy on your shoulder.

---Levi's P.O.V---

'Hmm, that brats in a rush I wonder where she's going', you go off, get dressed and stand by the window, waiting for her to get back.
'Ahh, there she is, hmm she went shop I see' you head over to your door and open it, she's half way up the stairs, you call out to her and ask what she's got while your eyes are fixated on the white plastic bag, trying to see what she's got. "ohh nothing, just ran out of butter, that's all, I'm sorry, I don't feel to well so I'll talk some more later, bye" she says while rushing up the stairs, only, as she turned, you saw it, the writing off of the box in the bag, 'pregnancy test', your eyes widen and you head in, grab her apartment key and head upstairs, when you enter, she's in the bathroom, 'how could that brat keep this from me' you try to keep a serious face but you've always wanted a family, the thought of cradling your own baby off to sleep or getting home from work and having someone run up into your arms like you're a superhero, the thought of that never happening gave you nightmares. She walks out and you miss everything she says because your thoughts are too busy exploding, you sit on the bed and watch her walk over into the kitchen, while she's half way done, you get up and go into the bathroom and close the door behind you, you don't bother locking it. Your eyes widen, they're on the side, you look around and spot the box in the bin and read it, 'hmm, two minutes' you look down at your watch and sees its been two and a half, your eyes widen and you just stare at them from a distance, you're shaking, 'but what if it's not even mine, what if it's positive but the baby isn't mine' you take a step forward and gently toss the box back in the bin, you take another and reach your hand out and grab them, you've heard her walk back into the bedroom but you don't care, you're busy, you open your hand slightly and see it, a pink plus, both of them show the pink plus, you grip them again and fall to your knees, you're crying, you want them to be tears of joy but you don't know if it's even yours, she rushes in "Levi I-" she began to say. You're still clenching them, you turn to face her, you just want to know "please tell me I'm the father", more tears shed from your closed eyes, "you are" she gently says, now on the floor with you. The rush, your dream coming true, the happiness filling your body, all you can do is hug her and cry tears of joy. You feel so relaxed around her, 'why am I so clung to her? I've never been like this with anyone'. And then it hit you...

"I love you (y/n)" you whisper through the tears.

"I love you too Levi" she replies while hugging you tighter.


There will be lemon in the next one guys!!! 😉

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