A days worth at work

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'Ahh shit I'm late!!' You think to yourself as you jump out of bed, you slept only in your underwear as it was hot, you go over to your dresser next to your window and grab out some clothes from the top draw, as you look out the window, you notice Levi driving off "hmm, I bet he's good at what ever he does, I bet he's good at other things too" you whisper to yourself. Your eyes widen as you realise what you just said, you grab your clothes and head into the bathroom, you wash and dress, trying to ignore all the thoughts of him, You sort your (h/c) hair out and rush out the door, you get in your car and drive off to the café I'm starting to work at.

'Just on time!! Pheww' You get out the car and go get set up, you help by sorting the tables and chairs ready for when the café open in 10 minutes, at 08:00am.

The morning drags, you finish at 04:00pm but it feels like the day is taking so long, all you've been doing is making tea and coffee all day and occasionally cleaning the tables, the boss comes out and says you can leave half an hour early as it's not too busy, you go grab your coat and head to your car, you start the engine and head off home.

---Levi's P.O.V---

I get to work and it's just 2 meetings today, one at 08:30am and one at 10:30am, then I'm free for the rest of the day. One of my work colleagues comes in with two hot drinks, he hands me one and says "here, this should wake you up, I got it from that little café down the road, they've got a new worker there, she's kinda cute, she's got lovely (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes, I think I'll go there more often", 'the description matches her, my upstairs neighbour, could she really be working just down the road, why is that giving me butterflies, am-am I getting feelings for her?' All of that flies through my head before I finally say to my work colleague "she sounds good, anything else about her?", "ohh, just that she finishes at 04:00pm, she was discussing it with the other members at the café there, so if you're ever looking for me around 04:00pm, that's where you'll find me" he laughs and pats my shoulder, I feel rage build inside of me, why am I getting angry, it might not even be her. I head off to the two meetings, just a bunch of bullshit after the next, I finally leave to go home at 01:00pm.

When I get home, I sit in my apartment for a bit, I feel so uncomfortable and fidgety, I look at the time, 'hmm, only 03:00pm' my body and mind get curious, I want to know what she smells like, I want to feel close to her. Without realising it, I've grabbed the key for her apartment and am heading up the stairs, I open the door slowly and walk inside, I walk into her bedroom and just stare at her bed, I slide my shoes off and loosen my tie and bit, I can feel my mouth get watery, and my cheeks become hot and red, I get a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I look like a nervous tomato.

I walk slowly to her bed and get in it, 'why am I getting in it, what is happening to me, my body, my mind' I grab the pillow and hug it whilst inhaling through my nose, 'she smells so sweet and beautiful' I lay down on the pillow and accidentally drift off to sleep as I didn't sleep much last night from thinking about her too much.

*-OHHHH NOOOO!! He's asleep in her bed!! Naughty goldilocks XD
If you're actually liking this, please say, this is the first time I've done a fanfic and I have about the same confidence as a broccoli :/ also, I promise the next one will mainly be the reader :)

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