Just eating for two?

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~~~over the course of the pregnancy, you and Levi have decided to move in together so you can both care for the baby, you both agreed to move into your apartment as that's where the two of you mainly spent your time, you've also gotten most of the baby furniture and clothes and are both feeling set and prepared...other than one thing that's been bugging you~~

7 months along now and you're getting worried, obviously you've got your cute bump, but its bigger than expected, you've seen other pregnant women and they haven't been that big. You start to get nervous so you and Levi decide to go off and see the doctors to have a scan and check up. 'It's tomorrow' you think to yourself nervously while you fidget in bed trying to get comfortable, you roll over and see the handsome love of your life laying there, so calmly, so blissfully. You lean in and kiss his nose softly and he wraps an arm around you and holds you close, being careful of bump. You eventually fall asleep in his arms happily.

'09:36, shit' you think to yourself as you try and hop out of bed realising you only have just under an hour, Levi wakes up and comes round to help, he helps you undress and helps you into the shower, while you shower, he prepares some clothes for when you get out, along with your favourite hot drink. The two of you get ready and drink your now warm drinks before leaving to head over.

When you both get there, Levi kisses your cheek and says "cmon, let's go find out what's going on with the little brat" and he gets out the car and heads round to help you out too. You both go in, let the receptionist know you're there and then go and sit in the waiting room. After about 10 minutes, you're called into the room. You lay down on the bed, lift your top up over the bump and the nurse has a feel at it, after feeling around, she says that everything feels normal. She then gets the gel and squirts a little just below your belly button, as she does, you gasp from the unexpected coldness. The nurse gets the scan and presses it against the gel and skin. The nurse has a little move around with the scan before turning to you both and saying "you have two healthy babies kicking around in there". Levi, who has been standing beside you holding your hand, collapses onto you hugging into your neck and crying tears of joy. You kiss his head and stroke his silky Raven locks, smile and say "we've got two brats" and a tear of happiness rolls down your face while you look up to the screen and see your babies.

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