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Turning and fidgeting, you can't seem to get comfortable, it doesn't help that you've been having contraptions during the day, but they've been happening too far apart to be admitted to the hospital yet. You lay on your back and finally drift off to sleep.

A few hours later, at 03:36am you wake, it's sudden, you're in so much pain, you get out of bed to try and walk it off but your waters break, you put your hands against the wall and groan in pain, at this point, you hear Levi rush out of bed and put on his white jumper, he was already in black joggers, he slips his shoes on and grabs the, already made, baby bag and then assists you out to the car, he gets in and drives the two of you to the hospital. When you get there, he goes round to your side and helps you out, he helps you into the building and gets the nurses, they put you in a wheelchair and wheel you off to the maternity ward, Levi filling closely behind.

They get you in and on one of the beds, one of the midwives comes in and they get you all set up and ready to push, once given the all clear, you start to push. Levi is stood right next to you holding your hand and giving your forehead kisses occasionally. You're in so much pain but somehow manage to let out a little giggle in-between pushing as you find Levi's worried and shocked face amusing. After what seems like forever, the first baby arrives, it's a baby boy, Levi looks at you smiling as a tear rolls down his cheek, that smile then changes to pain as you strangle his hand while pushing for the next brats arrival. You keep pushing and pushing until there's nothing left to push. A baby girl, your twins are born at 05:20am and 05:23am.
Exhausted, you fall asleep while the midwives get your babies cleaned and put in lil towels.
When you wake, it's daylight outside, you look around to spot Levi cradling the baby girl on the other side of the room. You knew you found your happily ever after. :)

Naughty neighbours Levi X readerWhere stories live. Discover now