Date night

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You get into his car and buckle up, he blindfolds you and says its a surprise. You're driving for what feels like 20 minutes, you pull up and he helps you out the car, you walk for a short period before he stops you, he asks you to take your shoes off and bends down to help you.

You then walk a little more before your toes step in something soft and gritty, 'is, is this sand' you think to yourself as you continue to step into the small crystaly feature. He stops you, kisses your cheek and slowly lifts your blindfold up gently, you open your eyes to the most perfect scenery, candles gently placed on the ground surrounding a blanket that has a bottle of champagne, and two glasses on.  you look at him, you can't help but smile stupidly, and say "why? Why would you put so much effort in?" He looks back and smirks and says, in his deep masculine voice, "come, let's go watch the sunset, if you're gunna complain about my efforts, we can go do a normal boring date that consists of sitting at a table with loads of other people around and making stupid conversations", you look at his blankly and walk forward and grab his hand, lacing your fingers between his, "I love this" you say, before kissing his cheek. You both walk over to the blanket and cuddle up, you spend the evening watching the sunset, drinking champagne having some fun conversations.

You turn to look to him and he's staring at you, but somethings different, his eyes are calm, 'where's his scold gone, is he okay' he puts his hand up onto your cheek and kissing you softly, you spend the rest of the evening with Levi half laying on you, kissing you and exploring your mouth with his tongue.

---time skip to a month later---
-you and Levi have been on a few more dates since and spend time with each other every two days-

*going pee pee* you're casually doing your business when you look around and spot your pads, 'hmm, haven't had that in a while, strange' your eyes then widen as you realise you was due 2 and a half weeks ago

Naughty neighbours Levi X readerWhere stories live. Discover now