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There will be lemon, you have been warned!!

LEMONADE COMING UP!!!!!!! Woooop!!

'Holy fuck body, what the hell am I doi-' you think to yourself before you realise he's kissing back. You feel one of his hands come up and hold your cheek, at this point, your stomach explodes in butterflies and you can't help but smile, you pull away and slowly open your eyes to see him, he's slowly opening his too and smiling at you. Your cheeks fill with the colour red. Just as you're about to ask what he's doing in your apartment, he puts both of his hands on your cheeks and kisses you again, you can feel your womanhood tingle as your hormones rush through the roof, and before you know it, he's guiding you on top of him.

Your legs either side of his body and your lips still pressed against each other's, you pull away for a second for air, with that, Levi bites your bottom lip before kissing you again, after only a few seconds into this kiss, you feel his tongue slip into your mouth. Your tongues intertwine and you feel his hands tracing your body, going from your cheeks, down to your neck and over your breasts, his right hand stays at your breast and his left continues down your body and onto your hip. You can feel his member getting harder and his actions are basically begging for more. With your hormones out of control, you move your hands down his shirt, undoing each button and you loosen his tie off all the way, you slowly remove his shirt and tie and toss them off to the right onto the floor. You feel him smile and he pulls away, he's looking straight into your (e/c) eyes and you're looking back into his grey-ish blue eyes. He whispers seductively "now then brat, isn't this a little unfair, do I have permission to remove your clothes too then?", you're too out of breath to speak, you nod and with that, his hands glide to the bottom of your shirt and he gently lifts it up and over your head before throwing it off to his left. He gently places his hands onto your hips and you look down at his perfectly toned body, feeling cheeky, you place your index finger right between his collar bones and slowly glide down to his belly button, you look back at him as he's licking his lips, he whispers "I can't hold back, I want you" and his lips collide with yours again, he's kissing you passionately, at the same time, he's also turning you both over so he's on top, his right hand guides up your body and round to the back, you hear a little *ping* sound and then realise your bra is now loose, he throws it off to the side.

Through all the kissing, you can hear him panting, lusting for you. His right hand slides down your body and slowly travels his hand into your trousers and panties, causing goosebumps to rush all over you. As he begins to rub you slowly, you grip on to the bed sheets, he gets faster and faster while you beg for more "Levi, I want you, please, all of you" you manga to pant out.

He removes his hand and kisses down your body to the top of your trouser line, kissing back up your body and sucking on your right nipple, his hands undo your trousers, he slides them off and chucks them to the side, he kisses right on your womanhood as a tease, before removing your panties. They too get thrown over to the pile of clothes you have both created. He kisses up your inner leg before looking up at you with a cheeky smirk, you're biting your lip and filled with antici.....pation (😉) "please Levi, I want you, take me" you gasp out, and with that, you feel him, his tongue going in slow circular movements on your clit, the pleasure fills you, you grab at the sheets and as he speeds up, you begin to let out slight moans, 'fuck he's so good' you grab a pillow to help muffle your moans as you also have an upstairs neighbour, your back is arching and you realise he's just slipped 2 fingers into you, his pace going fast, you feel yourself bubble and your eyes and slammed shut, your body feels so sensational, your womanhood and legs tingling, "Levi, I'm gunna, mmm I'm gunna cummm" he smiles and keeps going, your hormones explode and you let out a load moan while your womanhood juices cover Levi's hand and mouth, he moves his head up, wiping his hand on his trousers and his mouth with the back of his hand, he undoes his belt and trousers and stand up, he removes his trousers and boxers, he turns back to you and gets back on top, you remove the pillow from your face and kiss him, he says, in his deep dominant voice "you ready", you're panting and gasping for air, you only manage to say "please" and shake your head, he kisses you passionately while lining his member up with your womanhood, he slowly enters you, being careful to not hurt you. 'Fuck he's so big', your squinting your eyes shut and biting your bottom lip to try and hold back the pain, once he's all the way in, he strokes your hair and says "let me know when you're ready", after a few seconds, you've adjusted and nod, he begins gently, slowly, in and out of your wet area, your panting and grabbing onto him and the sheets. He slowly picks up the pace, thrusting into your womanhood, causing you to both start moaning, he wraps his arms round you while still fucking you hard, your legs are wrapped round him, he picks you up, still lifting you up and down on his large member, he pushes you up against the door frame, he moves his arms one at a time so they're under your knees still holding you up, he gets harder and deeper, hitting your g-spot every time, you're clawing onto him, moaning in his ear, you're both hot and sweaty, with every thrust into you, you can feel his muscular body press up against you, he gets really fast, causing you to have an uneven breathing pace, "I'm gunna cum" he gasps out, "me..me too" you manage to say through all the panting. He takes you back over to the bed and fucks you harder and faster until he starts to get sloppier and at that, you both moan and climax.


If anyone needs me, I'll be at church getting holy water thrown over me. Hope you enjoyed the lemonnnnn 💦

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