Chapter Five

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A few hours later harry had abandoned his own seat and crawled into louis lap, even though he was much bigger. His head was rested on louis shoulder and louis arm was around his shoulders and between his knees holding him almost bridal style as Harry slept. Louis couldn't sleep, he was too busy examining the colour of harrys lips, his eyelids, his hair and everything else that had gained colour on harry. Harry was breathtaking, and Louis couldn't look away, no matter how hard he tried.

Hours later, when they landed on their first stop in their series of stops to get to French Polynesia. Louis shook harry awake gently, smiling at his sleep green eyes as they slowly opened, blinking a few times before they clamped tightly shut as he yawned and stretched, his long legs reaching for the isle before he curled back into louis chest. He sits up pecking louis lips lightly then he stands up, stretching again a little squeak coming from his mouth making louis smile fondly. Harry steps sideways, allowing louis to get up and stretch as well before taking harrys hand and his carry on, the both of them walking off the plane and catching their connecting flight. 

A full day of traveling later found them in a cab to their resort.

It was called Perioa Resort and Spa and when they pulled up to it louis lost his breath, his gasp filling the tiny cab. When they were out and the driver was paid, they went and checked in to Suite 4202, and louis was astonished that this place had so many rooms. When they got to thru room louis dropped his bag in shock. The room was massive, with a huge Queen sized bed in the near the veranda, a couch facing one of the walls which a large flat screen tv was suspended from, there was a minibar and a small table under the tv, which housed some decorations. There was a dining table near the door and a huge ensuite complete with a jacuzzis. Louis turned to harry his jaw on the floor and smacked his shoulder repeatedly each word punctuated with a blow

"Harry! You! Jackass!" He yells dropping his hands "This must have cost a damn fortune! What the fuck! Why didn't you at least let me pay for half!" Louis says as harry walks in and sets his bag down near the table.

"I wanted to bring you on vacation" he says now get into your swim trunks were gonna go relax of the beach" Harry says opening his bag and pulling out a pair of tiny yellow tinged swim trunks. Louis barked out a laugh eyeing them and harry pouted

"what" he whines dropping the shorts in his hand to his side, clutching them lightly. He throws his head back as he draws the word out childishly. This makes louis laugh harder

"Nothing nothing" he says chuckling, opening his bag and pulling out a pair of swim trunks then walking into the bathroom. He changes before walking back in and choking on his words. Harry had changed into the small shorts and they didn't look as ridiculous as louis had thought, they looked amazing as a matter of fact.

"Well, those look a lot better then i expected" louis says breathlessly, eyes on harry's perky little bum

"Take a picture it'll last longer" Harry says and louis looks away blushing. Harry reaches forward and takes louis hand and they leave the room, making sure to take their key with them. They walk out of the building they're staying in before starting down a pathway that lead to a beach. They pick a pair of beach loungers higher up on the beach under the shade of a wooden beach umbrella. They latch hands between them, hanging in the space between their two chairs smiling happily. Both agreed that it was nice after such a long time traveling that it was nice to relax in the warm sun. It was dark when they returned to their room giggling with exhaustion and they both fall into bed, and soon out they're out like a light on top of the huge comforter of the plush bed.

The next morning louis wakes up to harry bustling around the room and he looks at the clock. 6:30am.

"Harry its the asscrack of dawn what are you doing" Louis groans shoving his face into the bed to block out the light.

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