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Ellory sat in the living room, her dog curled up by her side nearly 9 years later looking though a photo album while her dad showered.

Her papa was in every picture in the album.

Him with a flower crown in his hair in the field

They had gone to the field one morning to watch the sunrise, driving out early and sitting on the back of the pick-up truck holding hands, harry's hand on his growing baby bump. Louis looked over to harry and kissed him on the cheek lightly and harry leaned his head on louis shoulder sighing happily, a small smile playing on his lips. The sun was halfway up and harry got down from the tailgate carefully, Louis following him as he went and sat in the dewy grass. Louis had told him he would get wet but harry hadn't cared sitting down and beginning to fiddle with the flowers. so louis had sat beside him, watching him work, and when he finished he had put the crown of blue, purple pink and white forget-me-nots on his head, louis holding up the camera in the beautiful golden light of the morning and snapping a picture of harry, the crown nestled in his beautiful chocolate brown curls, a small smile on his face, his cheeks coated in a small blush 

Her parents on the plane to Bora Bora

They had just taken off, reaching the final altitude when the captain turned off the seatbelt sign. Harry had undone his seatbelt before reaching out and undoing louis, climbing into louis lap and sitting down as if louis were holding him bridal style. Harry sighed content closing his eyes as louis chuckled at the younger but larger boy on his lap. Louis wrapped his arms around his carefully and pulled him closer, making harry crack one eye open, the wide green kindness of it finding louis, who smiles at him. Thats when harry takes out his phone, which was covered in a cat phone cat that read 'you gotta be kitten me right meow', harry found this amusing and louis thought he was cute, and he pushed himself up and snapped a picture of both their smiling faces, with harry's lips pressed to his cheek, his eyebrows raised and his long hair flowing over his shoulders.

Both of them enjoying the view from their balcony

'c'mon lou!' harry called as he bounded out the door and onto the balcony, his phone in hand. He posed in front of the sunset and beckoned louis forwards, louis did and posed next to him, the sun making them almost silhouettes, their faces dark but you could still see the bright smiles on both their faces, the unmistakable happiness there

A picture of her dad holding him up high, their foreheads rested together, the bright sun behind them

harry and louis had been swimming all day, splashing around and generally having a good time when the woman had come up to them, telling them she had taken a picture of them, allowing harry to send it to himself. The were thigh deep in the bright water, harry's legs wrapped around louis waist, foreheads pressed together smiling brightly with their eyes closed in the warm sun, arms tight around each other

He was hugging her dad, both covered in flour

Harry was baking cookies for a fundraiser, measuring out the flower when louis had come in, a mischievous smile on his face. He slowy walks over to harry, putting his arms around harry's waist and resting his chin on his shoulder 'what's ya making' he asked 'cookies' harry responded as he slapped louis hand away from the bowl of cookie dough 'hey! that's not for you' harry says and louis sighs 'alright' he says before walking away. When he passes the counter with the flour on it he sticks his hand inside and flings a handful of flower in harry's general direction, hitting him square in the face as he was trying to say something. a look of amused offence crossed harrys face as he calmly wiped his hands on his apron and walked over to louis, who was still standing there trying to contain his laughter. Quick as lightning harry's large hands grabbed the flour container and dump the entire contents over louis head. Louis mouth drops open and so ensues a full of flour war. In the end, harry won, as louis had forfeit after inhaling a lungful of flour. Louis had pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the two, covered in flower, smiling, a mischievous smirk.

Then they're was one with two pictures the first one depicting him and her dad standing in a filed by a balloon that read 'its a..." and the second picture was the chalk dust raining down on them.

Harry and Louis had gone out into a grassy field, pulling a huge helium balloon out with him harry gets out of the truck, going and standing in the field as louis set the camera up. Then he moves to stand with harry, setting the camera to a 10 second timer, he wraps his around harry's waist. both of them smile and wait for the picture to be taken, the balloon floating above them, when the flash goes off louis goes and resets the camera, then he goes back to harry, he counts to three before popping the balloon, harry putting his arms up and smiling up at the stuff as it rains down, the pink chalk dust covering everything as the camera takes another picture.

He was holding up a sonogram which depicted a little ballerina baby

they had just gotten back from their ultrasound appointment and harry was holding the sonogram in his hand, taking a glance at it every now and again, smiling happily while his hand rested on his bump, He snapped a picture of the sonogram, sending it to his mother and sister, as well as louis mother and all of the sisters that had phones. He got replies within minutes, all happy and excited as he and louis drove him, holding hands. When they got in through the door, Louis had made harry stand next to the wall and hold up the sonogram so he could take a picture.

He was in the bath with her dad, both wearing bubble beards

Harry had just succeeded in slapping a bubble bead on louis face and was currenty cackling madly at how cute louis looked in his bubble bearded angry face when louis broke into a grin and pulled out his phone snapping a picture of them both smiling giddily covered in bubbles

There was one from a few years back, when her dad finally saved enough money to make her papas dream come true

Louis got out of the car, helping his 5 year old out of the car carefully, leading her to the doors of their new building, a sign labelling it 'a touch of home' hung over the door. The little girl giggled and pointed to the single pink wall, scattered with white polka dots, as they walked in, which she could tell the colour of still, but Louis couldn't.  It was a mess, but at least the walls had been taken care of, because all the walls, spare the pink one were half light pink tile and half white painted. They'd have a lot of work to do but it would be worth it, Louis had worked hard to save up the money for Harrys bakery, having put all of Harrys money away for Ellory's  education. He smiled down at her as they finished walking around then lead her outside, picking her up and putting her on his shoulders as Quinn drove up getting out with her boyfriend, max who had helped them choose colours and paint, as Louis wasn't much use in that department anymore. She had pulled out a camera and made them stand in front of the doors, both smiling, Ellory giddily, Louis sadly as she took a picture.

There were so many more, wedding photos and trip photos, photos of her and the pets and her parents, date nights and fun days they stayed in but the shower turned off and, knowing here dad would be down in a second, Ellory had to stuff the photo album back under the couch so it wouldn't make her dad cry anymore.

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