Chapter Four

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Oh my god" Louis says grabbing harry by his shoulders and pulling him out of the biting wind and rain. He pulls the blanket from the floor and drapes it over harry's shoulders. He guides the stumbling boy over to the couch, planting him there and running into the kitchen to make another cup of tea. Moments later Louis runs back into the room, handing it to harry who's just sitting there shivering with a blank stare on his face. Louis hands him the cup, and he holds it with two hands.

"Harry you look awful what happened to you"

"I got scared" Harry say and louis frowns slightly and starts to speak before harry starts talking again "I was seeing colours and i got scared" Harry continued

"bu-" Louis starts but stops

"Ive never felt this way before" Harry slurs slightly "It scared me a lot" He says before breaking into tears and covering his face with his hands, leaning down slightly as to hide his face.

To say louis was shocked is an understatement. He couldn't breath, this happy go lucky, carefree boy was afraid of falling in love. Then a strange sound began to emit from harry. Louis blinked down at him, even more shocked then before, because harry was snoring. He had fallen asleep, slumped over forward his damp curly hair shielding his face from louis. Louis smiled lightly, and he stood, picking harry up bridal style, soft snores coming from his pink lips as louis carried his limp body up the stairs and into his bed, tucking him in up to his chin, and he looked so cute there, a small smile on his lips, his curly hair falling over his forehead. Louis leans down and kisses him between his eyes then he leaves the room, grabbing the other pillow in the bed as he goes. Louis goes back downstairs and takes the cup harry hadn't touched from the coffee table, the contents still hot, while his own tea had gone cold. Louis brings the cup to his lips taking small sips until the cup is empty then without a sound louis gets up, locking the door and turning off the lights. Returning to the couch, louis pulls the blanket up around his shoulders and lies down drifting off into a restless sleep and just before he falls off the edge of consciousness a small smile appears on his lips.

He woke up in the morning and it was completely dark in the room and that confused him. Sitting up louis looked around and seen the light coming from the kitchen. Louis got up groggily noting the drapes were pulled across in the living room as he walked into the kitchen. Harry was sitting at the table with his arms crossed on it, his chin rested on his hands. Louis walked in and sat across from him at the table and harry didnt move, only his eyes moved to louis, murky green meeting grey-blue before harrys eyes shifted back down to the table

"I pulled the drapes so you could sleep in" Harry says

"Thank yo-" Louis begins but he's cut off

"Louis im sorry" He blurts and louis frowns

"For what?" He asks

"For not letting you know where i was, for letting you think i had left or that you weren't good enough of something" He mumbles "I went to my Mums, i didnt know what else to do, she helped me get over this stupid fear of falling in love" Louis reaches across the table and takes harrys hand into his own.

"Harry you don't need to apologize, yes you should have called and yes i was extremely worried to the point of sleep deprivation but you needed to work some stuff out and you were right to do that, because we cant even think about moving forward with this until were both ready"

Harry nods smiling up at louis "Yeah, i guess so i still feel bad about it though" he grumbles rubbing his thumb over the back of louis hand.

"What time is it?" Louis finally asks

"Around 2:30" Harry responds and louis nearly chokes 

"What!" he squawks "Why didn't you wake me!" He says loudly and harry's face goes all fond

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