Chapter 1

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"And there!"I said to myself as I finished decorating my side of the room. "Looks girly."my brother said as he looked up from his phone. "Piss off lenny."I responded as I laid on my part of the bunk bed. Im Rin Kagamine a 15 year old girl who just moved to a new area. And the dummy on his phone is my brother Len. I just finished setting up my side while he's too distracted playing on his phone (seriously?!? Who plays that anymore!). We just got transferred out of our old school thank god. Reason why well I rather not explain. And am I sad about moving? Hah! Not even in the slightest, I mean sure I will miss some people. But by some I really mean some. But let's not talk about that hell hole. I sat up from my bed and sighed. I walked out of my room and my mom was passed out on the living room couch with beer bottles scattered around her. "Typical." I mumbled as I went to the kitchen and dug around the fridge for some food. My mom is a drunk and our dad blames us for it. Yea sorry for being born. Speaking of my dad he's rough. He's been punishing me and Len ever since we were younger. I honestly hate him. He's the reason why my mom is a drunk and the reason why we might go broke.

I grabbed a pop-tart and left to me and Len's room. As I finished my bedtime snack mor so late breakfast Len was still playing that stupid game on his phone."Len put your phone away we have school tomorrow."I told him and he whined as if he was 6, "agh do I have to?". I nodded and he ignored me. Getting annoyed and being the evil sister I am I took his phone and he let out a shriek "I WAS AT MY HIGHEST SCORE YET!" he exclaimed. I looked at him phone and his score read as 90. I rolled my eyes and he stuck his tongue at me and I returned the gesture. "It's not even that late."he grumbled getting settled into his bed. "Well we should get as much sleep as possible or we'll wake up like zombies." I responded and he just chuckled. I turned off the light and laid down. I had a hard time falling asleep. I was too busy thinking about tomorrow and all the possibilities. What if they hate me? What if no one likes me? What if she's there?! Ok the last one is crazy talk. I yawned tiredly and knocked out.

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