Chapter 4

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I woke up and got ready for school. I threw in whatever I found in my drawer and just an oversized hoodie. Len changed as well and before we could even leave we were greeted by a monster. "Where are you two going?"Derrick asked as he smelled Like alcohol. agh how gross."To school"Len said looking unamused . "Can we go please?"I begged not wanting to talk to him he's usually violent in this state. "Why do you wanna go so bad?!Is it so you can screw up again?!"he exclaimed bringing up what happened. "No!"I shouted at him. What does he honestly want with me?! Better yet who does he think he is?! "Well if I catch you doing that again your being sent to private school you hear?!"i nodded then ran out of the house full of anger and Len chased after me. "I hate him!"I grunted as I got teary eyed. He can't control what I do!he isn't even my dad! What makes him think I'm gonna listen to him?! Honestly To hell with him!
I was greeted by a soft and sweet voice. I looked up and it was miku with a worried expression on her face? "Are you ok?"she asked. I really don't want her to worry for me. "I'm fine.."I said trying to hide the fact I was about to punch a wall. I don't want we to deal with my problems to be honest. She grabbed my hands and rubbed her thumbs on my palms. I took a deep breath and looked up at her. "Sorry...its just home issues"I admitted. Before she could even say a word the bus pulled in and we both got on the bus.
Last thing I remembered is falling asleep. I woke up and I quickly pulled Away. I was laying on miku oh god. She giggled and got up.

Today was a 1,3,5,7 day. I yawned and went to math still upset but not as much as before. Before I was about to fall asleep kaito whispered at me. "Hey rin!". I looked at him and sighed "yes?". "Me and Len are gonna help plan a party this weekend at luka's place wanna help at music club?"he asked. A party? I never really been to one. The only one I attended was my ex's and my brother's pity party. I nodded and started to doodle on my paper more awake as my mind wandered. "Rin are you alright?"my math teacher said walking over to my seat. "Yes Mam I just finished my work."I responded and she took my paper. I sighed. There goes another person who is worried for me.

I walked to the health with Miku. The teacher under up playing a video on weed and how bad it isand of course Miku fell asleep. What a dork. "Miku what is the side effects of marijuana"the teacher asked Miku and she shot up awake. "Pardon?"she said as she rubbed her eyes. "What are the side effects of marijuana?"the teacher repeated and miku tilted her head to the side trying to think of something."um your eyes start to go red?"she said shrugging her shoulders "how am I supposed to know I never got high before?! if anything you should ask gakupo he's always walking in on drugs!"she exclaimed and everybody roared in laugher.I honestly couldn't help but laugh yet I felt a bit of sympathy. I'm guessing the whole school doesn't like him. The teacher looked unamused and continued on the lesson. I couldn't help notice miku was staring at me The whole period. Well not really staring more like admiring me? I don't even know. I honestly could say I was a bit flustered by this and just oh gosh she's just too cute! Ok what the actual hell Rin. Before I was about to have a conflict with myself the bell rung and we went to our Japanese class.

Nothing interesting happened there but I learned that there was a talent show coming up soon! Maybe I could do it? I don't know still thinking about it. Miku on the other hand is pretty happy about it.

7th period was pretty fun. Teto always try's to sound smart in class but comes off as a total dumbass and everyone just cringes. Meiko is always making luka's face go red and kaito is just hitting on Len with cheesy pick up lines. And Miku she's just bubbly and such a diva. She legit almost got detention for eating in class while literally in front of the teachers face. You see Miku isn't the brightest kid in the school. We all stayed after school for music club.

"Discussion time!"kaito announced and we all sat at the table. "Ok so we're having a party! But what are we gonna do?"kaito asked. "Just watch a movie and play Truth or dare planning party isn't that hard!"Meiko said rolling her eyes and Luka chuckled. The whole time while everybody discussed the party I noticed miku seemed to be bothered something. Before I could even ask her something was wrong she got up and left the class. At first I waited a minute to see if anybody noticed but surprisingly not? I guess they're too invested in this party. I follow after her and before I went into the restroom I heard her talking to what seemed herself. "This is awful miku you can't think like this."I heard her form the other end. What does she mean by that? She splashed water on her face then walked out. I pretended to be opening my locker and she walked out pretending nothing happened. "Hey Rin lets go back" she said smiling I nodded and took her hand. Those Words still repeating in my head.

"This is awful miku you can't think like this."

What does she mean by that? What's awful? How can't she think like?

Those questions buzzed in my head. I looked at miku and she had a conflicted expression on her face. I couldn't help but hug her. She was a bit surprised by my hug but then hugged me back. We parted and walked into class. After 10 minutes everybody separated and tried practicing songs for the talent show. Miku though went to an empty table and sung by herself. I guess she wants to sing by herself. Honestly though out of everyone her voice was the best. Like wow! She sounded so perfectly but with the occasional cracking and stuttering. Her accent made it all better. The song was primadonna girl by marina and the diamonds. so I joined in and slowly approached her. she smiled at me perking up. We both closed our eyes and got really into it. After a minute I noticed we were the only ones singing and Soon miku did too because she stopped. After we both looked at everyone they all clapped. "You two should duet for the talent show!"teto jumped up and down and everyone else agreed. We both blushed and then everybody returned to their stations. We looked at Eachother smiling dumbly."You know we should.."she said taking that idea into consideration. I nodded without even thinking then she looked happier. "Let's create our own song!"she smiled and I agreed and we both discussed the song in depth.

The bus ride home was fine but Miku seemed to change in a span of minutes. I asked her if she was ok but she said she was ok even though for a fact she wasn't. I tried to comfort My friend by holding her hand and all She did was smile sheepishly. My stomach dropped. I really wish I could do more to comfort her.

Me and Len walked home and opened the door. My mom was in her room watching tv (dr Phil?) and Derrick was somewhere whoring it out somewhere. Len ate ramen and I just ate a chocolate bar I bought a week ago. My doctor said I needed a break from sweets because I'm close to being overweight but I have no self control. Even though my figure is very scrawny I still fall close to that category. "Rin the doctor said no sweets."len said as he threw away the empty ramen cup. "I do what I want."I said rolling my eyes. "You aren't gonna get any boys."he joked as he walked to our room. "You understand I'm gay right?"I said closing the door behind me. "Oh I forgot that."he said laying down on the bed not bothering to check his phone. "Im tired night."he said digging his head in his pillow. "Mhm."I said as I took out my contacts. I laid down and I felt like something was missing. I started at the wall trying to recall what it was then it hit me. I didn't get Miku's nightly texts.

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