Chapter 2

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"Rin wake up!"Len shaked me trying to wake me. "Agh"I groaned as I rubbed my forehead. It usually is me who gets up first but I guess he was excited to start over at this school. At our old school he didn't have that much friends cause the people there are just stuck up and overall very judgmental. I got changed and put on a hoodie with oranges all over it and some jeans. Len was the first one ready and I laughed at how much of a dork he was being. He was wearing a plain shift with a huge banana on it and some jeans as well."Ready?!"Len said excitedly as he was about to leave to the bus stop "ready" I replied.

We both walked to our new stop and I blushed as I saw a beautiful girl with really long pigtails. She smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back."So you two are new?"she asked us examining us. "Yea!"Len said excitedly. "Hah nice"A blue haired guy turned around and I noticed Len blush. They both immediately seemed to have clicked. I wish I was more social like Len. I sighed and the girl tapped my shoulder "You can sit with me on the bus!then we can talk more!"The girl suggested smiling sweetly. I nodded and then as the bus pulled up. I couldn't keep my eyes of her she was so cute. I snapped out of it and Len started to nudge me. "Soooo"he said wiggling his eyebrows. "Shut up"I whispered hitting him on the head softly. He laughed and we got on the bus. Len and that guy sat next to Eachother while the Teal haired girl sat next to me. "So what's your name?"she asked quickly as she seemed to have taken an interest in me. "Oh Um my name Rin kagamine"I said looked up at her. "Aw that name suites you"she said squishing my cheeks. I blushed And tried not to smile. This girl seemed to be very touchy, Wait what did she mean by that?!"my name is Miku Hatsune"she said smiling. I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled at her. "That's a nice name."I said without even thinking. Damn! She giggled and then squinted her eyes. "You look very familiar..have I seen you from somewhere?"Miku asked squinting her eyes. "Oh maybe from the other bus stop"I said trying to help her out. "Oh maybe. So, Also what brings you to this school?"she asked. "Oh I rather not talk about it"I looked down remembering what happened. She nodded as a worried expression started to replace her happy one. "Don't worry Rin my mission is to make you loved!"she said determined changing the subject. I couldn't help but smile. Wasn't she full of determination. I find that a bit adorable. By bit I mean really really adorable. Oh Rin why are you thinking this way?! Don't screw up your first friendship! Don't mess it up with your stupid gayness!

I snapped out of my thoughts once again and looked up at Miku
"Are you awake now"she giggled.
"Oh sorry"I apologized a bit embarrassed."Anyways you'll make a lot of friends here!"Miku smiled. "Do you have any hobbies?"she asked changing the subject. "Oh I like to draw and sing"as soon as I said sing she gasped. I'm guessing she likes to sing too. "I love to sing too!"she smiled."can you give me a demo?"she smirked obviously wanting me to sing. I shook my head "maybe later?"I said shrugging it was too loud on the bus plus I rather not have people listen to
me. "Ok! You can join me in music club on Wednesday! Its after school and it's tooonnnsss of fun"she said gleefully. I nodded accepting her invitation and then the bus soon went to a halt. "We're here! You know Rin I can walk you to your classes."she suggested taking my hand. I squeezed her hand and nodded I handed her my schedule and she read it out loud to me.

   "Ok so you have math first!"I smiled and then felt a bit of joy form inside me. I actually really do like math. "Oo you have class with my brother kaito" I nodded at her. "Ok for 2nd period you have English with me! And for 3rd period you have p.e with me and Teto. For 4th period you have history with Teto she's like my little sister I never had you two seem like you'll click."she said smiling and I nodded. "For 5th period you'll have Japanese for fluent speakers which me,Kaito,Luka,Meiko,Teto,And possibly your brother as well." She then looked at me starry-eyed. "You speak Japanese?"she asked. "Yea I'm half Japanese half white."I replied to her question and she squealed. "For 6th period you'll have art class and then 7th period you have science! Oh boy science is always the best class at the end of the day. All of us are there and it's just the best wrap up of the day!"she said gleefully almost out of breathe. I giggled and looked up at her. She stopped and then gave me back my Schedule. "We have all periods today so since you're new i'll pick you up from this class."Miku smiled and kissed my forehead. I felt my face turn red and she waved goodbye. I wonder if she treats all new kids like this? I walked into the math room all flustered and sat down.

Len and kaito both came in and sat next to me still giggling about something. I shook my head and the rest of the period was boring and I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. Was it friendly? Was it a hint? What did it mean?!. I Also noticed Len and kaito talked a lot though but still got their work done. Such dweebs. The bell rung and everybody ran out the room like a pack of wolves. I stood in front of the classroom waiting for a certain teal haired girl and she appeared taking my hand. "Ready?"she asked and I nodded.

Me and Miku walked to 2nd period and we sat together. The English teacher was pretty strict and Miku had a hard time doing her work but who could blame her that teacher was hard on us and didn't really give enough direction. I couldn't help but feel someone staring at me. I didn't turn around to see who but it pierced through my back like sharp knives. What am I some kind of new species?

The bell rung and Miku took me to 3rd period which was p.e but instead of going the gym we ended up having health. It was mainly just about drugs and that junk. I doodled all over my paper and miku fell asleep through the video. She sleeps so calmly I just wanna squeeze her to death.

I ended up having to find  4th period by myself cause Miku had to walk across the school to get to her next period. I had history with Teto and all I could say about her that she's a pretty funny girl. She sorta reminded me if Miku and Len had a child (personality wise).

Miku walked me to 5th period was fun as well I met Meiko,Luka,and got to know kaito more. Me and Len sat next eachother that class and the whole time Miku was gushing at the fact I could speak Japanese. We had lunch time and it was pretty cool but once again I felt that stare crawl on my back.

6th period was ok I meet these two girls named lily and IA they both weren't that interested in art but still enjoyed the class. Which made me cringe a bit but hey whatever this is a free country. We have to do a painting on our inner spirit animal and I picked a fox because that's what my dad used to call me before her passed.

   7th period was as kaito says it's 'lit'. We all were the loudest out of the whole class and Len was my lab partner but he sucks at handling anything you give him so I basically did all the work. At the end of class Miku and Len switched seats for a bit and Miku watched me draw. "Wow Rin that's a pretty beaten up notebook."she said as she looked at my notebook. "Oh I would buy another one if I could. I've had this for like a year now." I said and tried to laugh it off. Miku looked at me then smiled as if she had an idea. What was she thinking?.

Class ended and as soon as I got home I laid down on my bed my body aching. "What a day."Len said laying on the floor. "Mhm."I agreed With him and the door unlocked. "Hey kids we got pizza."she said giving us the box and leaving. "Is she ok?"len mumbled and I shrugged. We both ate on the floor and Len showed me vine compilations. I don't get why he finds those things so funny when they aren't for the majority of the time. I couldn't though keep a certain teal haired girl out of my mind. She buzzed around in there and I wanted to explode. It's probably puppy love no way I love her. Come on Rin it's the first day of school for you! She's obviously gonna be nice and try to make you feel welcomed. My stomach ached out of an emotion I couldn't recognize and went to bed early after watching videos (more like spacing off)) with Len.
((Oh Rin how gay, this took a while to revise. Gumi is gonna come later so be prepared guys))

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