Chapter 3

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I woke up at 3:00 am as my phone buzzed. It was Miku? Why so early? "Hello?"I whispered not trying to wake my brother. "Hey Rin sorry to wake you up but what's your favorite color?"she asked and i felt a bit of annoyance. Did she really just call me to ask me what my favorite color was?! "Orange."I replied and then got curious. "Why?"I asked and she giggled "nothing!.". "Why are you even up so late on the first place?"I questioned and She yawned over the line "just finalizing something, I have trouble sleeping."she said groggily. "You should at least save that for later and go to bed or you'll get sick."I said sounding as if I were her mother. "Ok mom I'll go to sleep."she said giggling I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile. "Night."I said yawning. "Night."she mumbled back and hung up. What is it with that girl?

   I woke up before Len and jumped into the shower. My mind was buzzing of memories of my old school. Oh how I dread those memories. I wish I could just erase them or just go back and stop it from happening. I got out and quickly got dressed after my shower and soon Len awoke and got ready as well. We both made our lunch and ran out the door. I ran to miku and she hugged me and I hugged her back melting into her embrace. "Hey rin I have a present for you!"she exclaimed. A present? For me? I titled my head she was just smiling like a doll. "I'll give it to you on the bus!"she smiled and took my hand as the bus pulled up. I blushed lightly at they sudden hand grab and sat next to her.

She pulled out a box from her bag and stared at me with excitement. It was so neatly wrapped as if she spent a long time on it. I carefully opened it and I gasped. Did she really get me a sketchbook? Like wow it was even a good quality one! "Miku you didn't have to"I said trying to contain my excitement. "I had to and rin there's more!"she smiled. I pulled out a 50 pack of crayola  color pencils and a pack of 2 mechanical pencils in a pencil pouch with a orange pattern. Wow how did she know I love oranges? Wait never mind. I hugged her and she hugged me back still smiling. "You didn't have to.."I sighed. No friend has really been this nice to me honestly.". "As I said rin I had to"she smiled back and I put my stuff away in my bag. "There's also one last thing I wanna give you.."she said blushing and avoiding eye contact. I tilted my head and she gave me a ring. "I thought about it and I think we should have matching rings! Like a sign of friendship"she said smiling. It was a yellow plastic ring with a music note on it. I smiled at her and then I couldn't help it. I gave her a peck on the check and she looked like she melted. For a moment she seemed to be concerned with something then changed right back into a smile. She put on her ring which was blue and fist bumped me. After that We talked ended up talking about random stuff. I felt a strange feeling in my stomach. It was familiar too familiar. It reminded me of he-. I took I deep breathe. And pushed that all away and continued to talk to my friend. Well maybe possibly more then that? I'm too hopeful

We had 2,4,6,8 today. My 8th period was p.e so that should be fun, right? I walked to English with miku and we sat down next to eachother. "Today we're gonna be working in pairs, Rin since you are understand the material you can help Miku out."the teacher said and I smiled at Miku. After the teacher dismissed them and give them directions tent started to work. "Now you get it?"Rin said after she explained the concept to Miku. Miku nodded and started to jot down her answers. "They're all right."Rin said smiling. "That's a big improvement!"she exclaimed and Miku looked proud and my stomach did a flip. I noticed the state from yesterday was gone. It was probably just my imagination but I could of swore someone staring at me.

History was fun since the teacher gave us free time and Teto almost got in trouble for messing with a guy named gakupo. She just randomly got up and smashed his face with a book without any context and I couldn't help but die in laughter. I've been hearing negative things from Teto about Gackupo. I feel like I should ask Miku about the subject though cause I'm very confused cause he seems to be a nice guy. not to be rude but she's more of a reliable source then Teto in my opinion.

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