Chapter 11

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Ariana's P.O.V

"We will be landing shortly"  I hear the bell from above me telling me to put my seatbelt on. So far, I've watched Ted, Pitch Perfect, How to be Single and The Fault in our stars (all films) and we haven't even arrived in New York. The plane is still taking me further and further from home.

I jerk my shoulder as the fat man next to me starts snoring again to wake him up then glance out the window so it doesn't look as though I had anything to do with it. Anyone would have thought he'd be suspicious after the sixth time but seems his just as thick as he is fat. He's taking up half my seat as he thoughtfully pulled up the arm of my chair without asking and squashed me.

"Are you ok, dear?" The old lady by the window asks in her frail voice, interrupting my thoughts. I wonder how the poor thing is going to get around in New York by herself. "Erm.. Yeah?" I reply, wondering as to why she thinks I wouldn't be ok. I rub my tired eyes and feel they're damp and puffy. Oh damn! I must've been crying haha, The Fault in our Stars is a beautiful film but horribly sad... I sigh heavily earning a glare from Mr Fat Man causing me to snigger slightly.

Ouch! My ears pop as the wheels of the plane graze against the American ground and we finally land with a thud and slow down to a stop. I get a signal from my parents to grab my back pack and make my way over to them before getting off.

I change out of my tracksuit thing into a trendy dark green play-suit and a white blazer/jacket. I opted to leave my hair in a messy bun as it doesn't look that bad and I really can't be bothered - I'm exhausted.

Eventually, my way through the sweaty crowds of people grabbing their bags from above me over to my parents. My heart aches as I walk because the second I step out this plane, I will step out into my new life. The new life I don't want and never asked for. My mum doesn't need me moaning all the time with a baby on the way so as I approach her with all my things, I bite my tongue and push down the waves of anger that are rushing through me back to the pit of my stomach where they belong.

"Got everything, Ariana? Checked under the seat? In the pocket on the chair in front?" Dad begins to nag me like he always does but I guess it's better this way than me leaving stuff behind. It's bad enough I'm leaving behind all the people and places I love.. I don't need to loose my belongings too.

I feel New York's warm, summer air hit me as I walk out the air-conditioned plane. It's 6pm to me but only 1 o'clock in the afternoon here so the sun is shining bright. I know this place is where I'm going to live but it's not home.. It will never be home because home is wherever I am with Zoe and my memories that I love so deeply - even if some of them weren't so good.

As I walk down the steep flight of stairs off the plane, I make a decision and I make a box. I make the said box in my mind and hesitantly I put England in the box. Along with England I put in my house, my town, my school, my dreams of my future at home, sixth form, my extended family and... I... I put Zoe in the box and slam the lid shut, locking it tight! I promise myself not to open it until the pain dies down a bit and I can only hope, as my feet touch the ground of my new city, that I won't have anything else to out in it.

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