Chapter 12

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Zoe's P.O.V

The second my eyes flicker open, a thought flashes through my mind; pain violently pushes it's way into my heart no matter how hard I try to stop it. Ariana's gone, taking our future memories with her - not that it's her fault, because it's not but this is so unfair! I glance across the room at see our friendship necklace hanging from the handle of my wardrobe. It's half a heart and Ariana holds the other half. It's her half but it kind of feels like she's taken half my heart away when she left.

I walk downstairs with groggy eyes to see Mum feeding Alfie in the conservatory and trying to keep him out the kitchen. Alfie is my smart little puppy and he senses my mood so he runs to me between her legs, almost tripping her up. "Alfie!" mum moans but I manage to smile at the dog. It's going to be rough without Ariana but I guess I'm going to have to just pull myself together and get on with life the way it is now - boring.

My mum looks at me and her expression softens, "Honey, I know you're upset about Ariana but I'm always here for you. How about I take you shopping for clothes for sixth form to cheer you up?" she asks, but I hesitate, "I know I can't replace Ari but I am your mum and I love you just as much."

I should be doing this with my best friend, and we should be going to sixth form together but that's not going to happen so I guess I need to simply act my age and show mum a bit of appreciation for once, "Sure, thanks mum." I give her a small smile and then sit down for breakfast.


I play my music loud in the car with Mum which I'm sure she's not happy about but she lets me get on with it because of my sensitive mood - at least there's a little plus side to the situation. I try to brighten up a bit on the journey to Bluewater (must be at least one of the largest shopping centres in Europe) and talk to mum about the kind of stuff I want. Me and Ariana were going to get matching black pencil skirts that come to a little above our knees, white chiffon blouses and black blazers, and I'll still wear that even if she won't be because it will remind me of the memories that should've been but are now only daydreams which I guess is all I'm going to get. My mum smiles as I talk about it, I know she's proud of me and it feels good. 

I slam the car door shut and march through the car park into Mark's and Spencer's  with an outfit in mind but I know I won't find it here so I drag my mum into Newlook, a smile finally creeping onto my face. I don't know why shopping makes me so happy but it just does and today, I'm really grateful for it. A pair of black pumps catch my eye. "Ooh mum, look at those!" I point them out.

As I rush round the corner all I see is a blur of dark hair and the shop's ceiling and the next thing I know, I'm on the floor.

"Zoe!" my mum yelps, and I check my contour hasn't rubbed off on the carpet before I reply. She grabs my hand and pulls me up, "woah mum your hands are bigger than I th-" oh no. Not my mum! NOT my mum! Cute boy alert!

I'm stuck for words and I stare into his green eyes for what feels like hours. It was probably only seconds, "Erm I'm really sorry.. I wasn't looking where I was going," he explains, breaking eye contact to stare at the floor. I begin to bite my lip subconsciously then notice my mum looking at me strangely, realise what I'm doing and go bright red, "t-that's ok" I stutter, flashing him a smile before flipping my hair and strolling past him as if I didn't just completely embarrass myself in front of the cutest boy I've seen in a long time.

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