Chapter 9

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Ariana's P.O.V
I jolt up, squinting and look desperately for my phone to turn that stupid alarm off. As I spot the bright screen I see its 4am and as soon as I turn off the alarm my phone is buzzing at me again. Zoe's face timing me because it's her last chance before I leave - and yes today is the day I'm leaving. She set her own alarm for 4am because that's just what we do for each other I guess... That's what I'd do too if she was leaving.

Tears build up in my eyes - I can't believe I'm actually leaving home, leaving Zoe, leaving everything behind because my parents found good work. We're fine here! We're already better off than lots of people so why are they making me go?!

"Hi, Zo" I mumble, yawning.
"Hi, Ari..." She says, I can tell she's feeling as emotional as me.
"I'm exhausted. I bet they're gonna try charge me 5p for the bags under my eyes!" I laugh, heavy-heartedly. She laughs but she's still all cuddled up in her duvet, about to fall asleep again.
"Nothing feels right, Mango. And you know why? Because this isn't right!" she says rubbing her pretty face. She's right but there's no point getting angry all over again, we've already been there, done that and got the t-shirt.

I stumble out of bed and look in the big framed mirror standing on my desk. Shockingly, I don't look that bad, no I'm not really gonna bother with makeup because I know makeup + long flights = acne. So that's not gonna happen but I'll do my hair because it's easy to make it look nice as it's ombré already.

"for gods sake, Ariana.. I'm really gonna miss you."
"I know, Zo, I know."


"Ughhh why am I carrying all 3 of my suitcases?" I groan at my parents. It's the first thing I've said to them in a week - I've been fuming and who can blame me? They're taking me away from everything.

"Do we look like slaves to you? We have our own stuff and your mother is pregnant, ariana." My dad says firmly, he's stressing out which is understandable I guess but I'm not some super human with four arms who can carry 3 suitcases and a big carry on bag. I have my whole wardrobe, all my makeup, hair stuff, and all the bits and pieces from my room that I love too much to leave behind.

I let out a heavy sigh, earning a glare from my hormonal mother. I should be shopping with Zoe for sixth form stuff but instead I'm gonna be starting 'college' in 2 months with no friends and starting at the beginning again with my reputation and popularity. I wonder what the teachers are like. How is the homework? We'll be like five hours ahead of all my friends and family at home so any face timing or skypeing will be late for me but normal for them.

It's 8am when we've finally been through all the security and luggage crap that takes hours while I sit there bored. I dump my Michael Kors bag down next to me and curl up in a comfy chair in the waiting room. In half an hour I'm gonna be on board a plane, going at hundreds of miles an hour, flying away to a new life I don't want. Suddenly an old Taylor Swift song I know comes to mind from when she was more of a country singer and it relates perfectly. I get my headphones and play it so loud, letting my head fill with music and emotion.

I'm glad I chose comfortable tracksuit bottoms and a light croc top with my warm denim jacket because I know it's going to be a long flight as soon as my mum points out my seat which is sandwiched between a sweaty fat man and a grumpy old lady. Great. They walk to a couple rows in front and sit together by the window. At least it's easy for them.. This whole thing seems easy for them. Why can't they just think how I might feel?

As I feel the plane lift off, lift me away from my home and everyone I love, my heart falls lower and lower with the ground beneath me.

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