Chapter 15

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Ariana's P.O.V

"Come on, come on, come on!" I shove the rooter in anger. I haven't spoken to Zoe in 5 days now because the damn thing won't work well enough for a successful FaceTime call. I wouldn't blame her for thinking I've already forgotten about her.

"Dad! You need to sort out this rooter now," I yell to him from the front room. The house is so big that it's hard for him to hear me in his room even when I'm yelling as loud as I can. I'm not complaining though, I'm starting to warm up to New York. A bit.

"Ugh" I sigh, giving up on the rooter and my dad doing anything about it. Today I'm actually going into the city. I've walked around my town a bit but we've been so busy unpacking and sorting out everything for the house that we haven't had a chance to actually see New York! 

So that's the plan for today, I'm taking some money and I'm going into the city for the first time. I've been to America multiple times but never to New York and I'm super excited. I try not to get too down about the rooter and Zoe, and head to my pretty room to get myself all done up and ready.

I look at my ombred hair and decide to curl it today then put half of it up in a ponytail - a hairstyle inspired by Ariana Grande. I follow one of Zoella's new makeup tutorials and walk into my walk-in wardrobe, beaming. I still can't believe all this is mine... The house, the pool, the bedroom. It's not as bad as I thought, to be honest.

I chuck on some tracksuit bottoms and a croc top. There's no good looking stylish if you're not comfy when you're going to be spending the entire day walking. I examine myself in the mirror; I'm glad I started working out years ago because if I hadn't, there's no way I'd be caught dead in this top! It's not like I'm skinny though, its just that my stomach doesn't roll when I sit down in the lunch hall ... I still feel a bit exposed though so I put on a black bomber jacket over it, not zipping it up however. I feel confident. I feel ready for New York.

The warmth of the sun feels nice on my skin through my jacket - a rare experience in England - as I wait with mum and dad for a yellow taxi. This is the first time they've taken a day off since the first day we woke up in the new house. Although I'm reluctant to show it, I'm buzzing to finally spend time with them in the city. I'm buzzing to finally spend some time with them at all, they've been so busy with their new work.

I have to stop myself from jumping up and down when I see the yellow taxi pull up outside the house. It's just like in the movies, everything starts to feel so real.. So exciting!

I climb into the car, wrinkling my nose at the smell.. The driver must've had a curry last night - gross! I stifle a giggle, earning a glare from my mum who smiles politely at the driver and attempts to make conversation. He just grunts and starts the meter running. How friendly. I cover my mouth to hide my grin, I guess New Yorkers have their reputation for a reason.

It's quite a scary ride, the junctions here are so dangerous! They should really start using more roundabouts like us. Though sometimes, they're no better, I have to admit. Perhaps we just got unlucky with our driver. Hopefully they're not all like this; grumpy and careless.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I get out the taxi that I survived. I take a look around me, I'm in New York! I was too busy gripping the side of the car so hard my knuckles went white, during the journey I didn't even take in our surroundings. "Wow" I whisper, only loud enough for me to hear.
"I know!" Mum replies - so maybe I didn't whisper. I laugh at myself and begin walking. The hustle and bustle of busy people and cute couples and happy families make the atmosphere feel so amazing. It's a lot to take in. I can see the entrance to Central Park. Surprised we came here first, I walk into the park smiling properly for the first time since my parents broke the news that we were leaving. I never imagined it being this huge.

"So, honey," mum begins a conversation brightly, "You start college here in 2 months. There's no uniform there so you're going to have to find some nice clothes" I open my mouth in joke-shock. I hear dad chuckle to himself.
"Mum!" I laugh, "I have nice clothes!" Well.. They were nice in England, I'm not sure what's considered nice here but still.
Dad steps in, "I think what your mother means, is that you need smarter clothes for school - not tracksuits and tops that don't look finished" he grins at me. I'm guessing he's referring to my admittedly revealing top. I pull my jacket across my chest, and playfully hit him with my other arm.

I don't know what the subjects are like in American schools or the dress codes or anything. When I get home I'll have to actually do some research on my new school - I've been avoiding anything to do with my new life up until now. Then I remember dad's inability to fix the wifi and roll my eyes, almost just out of habit. "Oh yeah, Dad?" I get his attention, "if you don't fix that wifi soon I'll go crazy! First I'm moved across the world from Zoe and I can't talk to her even now I've got here ,"  they both turn to look at me. I guess they thought I was over all that by now, but how I could I get over it when leaving Zoe is like leaving half of me behind? I admit I should probably stop digging at them now though, there's nothing they can do. It's just hard to ignore the dull feeling in my chest and stomach that's 24.7 reminding me that my best-friend - my sister - is so far away.

"Yes, yes, that's the first thing I'll do when we get home. In fact, I'll buy a brand new router while we're here" Dad replies.
"Thank you!" I sigh, dramatically and then find it in me suddenly to smile brightly, happy with the news, and looking forward to face timing Zoe.  I do a little skip as we enter the park and begin to list all the shops, in order, I've planned for us to go to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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