Once Upon A Time

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This fanfic is a slight Season One AU.  M'gann was born on Earth, the daughter of Ma'alfea'ak (Martian Manhunter's brother in the comics) who comes to Earth to escape the war, and Marie Logan, so she looks just like she usually does in season one.  M'gann comes home after the Team disbands, and Lex has kidnapped Conner and is raising him as his own against his will.  Well, I hope you enjoy this!  I do not own YJ or DC.

Once upon a time, in a land not too far, far away, there lived a young gentleman named Ma'alfea'akThe name is strange, but that is because he was a Green MartianMars had gone into a civil war, and he had left for Earth to escape the chaosThere, he met the love of his lifeMarie Logan, an animal rights activistThey were married after only a year, and moved into a stately chateau on the beautiful moors in New York.

Fate was kind to Ma'alfea'akHe became a merchant, traveling the country and selling fine thingsWith the money he earned, he and Marie were able to lead a luxurious lifestyleSoon, another wish of their's came truethe couple was blessed with a healthy baby girlShe had lovely coppery red hair, eyes like two tiny pools of caramel, and, last but not least, skin as green as sparkling emeraldsThey gave her the name M'gann, or Megan for easinessWith her, their lives were now complete.

But tragedy can come upon anyone, and so it came to Megan's homeWhen she was only five years old, her mother was diagnosed with cancerOver the years, she grew weaker and weakerShe had to face the fact that she wouldn't make itAt last, knowing that these were her final moments, she called her daughter to her bedside.

Seven-year-old M'gann slowly opened the door to her mother's hospital room.  Marie sat in the bed, wearing a hospital gown, a spotted kerchief covering her now bald head.  Next to her, machines beeped and buzzed to monitor her.  M'gann slowly walked to her bedside.  Marie took her daughter's hand.  "M'gann, honey...I don't have much time left.  I want to tell you a secret.  A secret that will see you through all the trials that life will throw at you.  Have courage, and be kind."  She smiled weakly.  "You have more kindness in your pinky finger, than most people possess in their whole entire body.  And it has power.  More power than the power to read minds or change shape.  Where there is kindness, there is goodness.  And where there is goodness, there is magic.  Promise me, sweetie.  Promise me."

Blinking back tears, M'gann nodded her head.  "I promise."  Marie stroked her cheek.  "I love you..."  And with those as her final words, she fell onto her bed, closed her eyes, and died.  Little M'gann burst into tears and flung herself over her mother's body, sobbing and screaming.  Ma'alfea'ak ran into the room and saw what had happened.  He went to M'gann and picked her up, holding her tightly against his chest and rocking her as she cried, staring at the body of his beloved wife.

*Starts crying*  Poor M'gann!  And things are only about to get worse!

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