The Ball

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The first of the carriages and limousines were pulling up to the Luthor Mansion, delivering beautiful ladies from every corner of New York to the doorstep, rich and poor, young and old, blonde and brunette.  Everyone was jittering with excitement as they entered the grand ballroom, decorated with colorful streamers and balloons of silver and gold, a magnificent crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.  As the music started up, the guests began dancing to pass the time while waiting for the appearance of Lex Luthor and his son.

Meanwhile, deep down the halls, a ruckus could be heard.  "Conner!  Just put it on!"  "NO!"  Artemis and Kaldur were trying to get Conner to put on the uniform that Lex had hand-picked for him to wear to the Ball.  She wore a sleek emerald green gown, with a one-shoulder and no sleeves, and a slit showing off her leg in designer green stilettos.  Her hair was pulled up into a ultra-high pony tail, and she wore a gold chain around her neck and her wrist.  Kaldur wore a white tuxedo with a red tie and a water lily pinned to his breast.

"Conner, please!"  Conner shook his head, his arms crossed over his red S shirt.  "Forget it!  I'm not even going to the ball!"  "You have to go!", Kaldur told him.  "Robin, Zatanna, Kid Flash and Red Arrow are going to be there, undercover.  We'll group together, trade intel, and take them down."  Artemis groaned.  "Conner!  Take one for the team!  You don't have to really pick a bride there, just pretend to be interested to keep Lex off our trail!"  Conner shook his head.  "No!  I'm not wearing it!  And that's final!"

Twenty Minutes Later
Sportsmaster and Cheshire backed away, their clothes torn up and their hair standing up.  "Okay!  Its on!"  Conner now wore an outfit resembling a prince's uniform, crafted with dark blue velvet.  It had a red satin collar, and a red satin sash lined with gold was slung over his shoulder.  A belt of solid gold circled his waist, and his red velvet pants reached all the way to his ankles.  His long sleeves had golden cuff links on them, and a gold chain hung on opposite sides of his chest.

He stared at himself in the mirror and frowned.  "I look like a total nerd!", he snapped.  Kaldur looked at him.  "I think you look very dashing, my friend."  Artemis grabbed him by the arm.  "C'mon, lover boy!"  She dragged him towards the ballroom, armed with a chunk of blue Kryptonite in her hand to keep him in her grasp.
Just as they were about to close the doors, a round golden coach pulled out in front.  The door opened, and the guards stared in awe at who came out.
"Miss Anna Spencer."  Conner watched a pretty girl with brown hair and green eyes prance up to him.  He stood before her on the podium of the ballroom as she bobbed a little curtsey.  He simply bowed at the waist.  He stood up straight and yawned.

Lex watched him from the balcony.  "Oh, come on!  That one would've made a perfect mother!"  Kaldur and Artemis looked at him in horror.  "What?!"  "I-I mean...a perfect wife."  He shook his head.  "Its hopeless.", he said as Lady Regina's twins approached Conner on the podium.  "He's never gonna pick a bride.  The boy's just too stubborn."  "Well, what were you thinking?", Artemis retorted.  "That the girl of his dreams was just gonna walk through that door?"

Just as Conner was about to bow to the twins, he stopped and looked up.  His eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open as he saw who had just entered the ballroom.  M'gann was standing in the doorway, mesmerized by the wonders of the atmosphere.  She spun around in her new gown and giggled.  Conner couldn't believe it.  She was here.

He stepped off the podium and strode past the twins, walking towards Megan as if in a trance.  Lex saw him go up to her and get her attention.  She let out a tiny gasp when she saw who it was.  Grinning broadly, he bowed low at the waist, leading her to pick up her skirts as she curtsied.  He held out his arm, inviting her to follow him.  She reluctantly placed her delicate gloved hand in his and allowed him to lead her as the crowds parted into two, creating a path for the couple.

They came to the center of the dance floor.  Conner looked into her eyes and smiled as he placed his hand on the small of her back.  Megan got his drift and placed her on his shoulder.  The orchestra started playing a lovely waltz, and the lights lowered as the two lovers began to dance.  All eyes were on them as they gently spun around in each other's arms, but they didn't notice.  They were far too engrossed in one another, their eyes locked together, their faces mere inches apart.  In that moment, all that really mattered was that they were together again.

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