A Slave in Her Own Home

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M'gann couldn't believe her ears.  "M-My stepmother?"  Regina nodded.  "Oh?  Your father didn't tell you?  After you left to live with your uncle, he was terribly lonely.  Then, his business partner, my previous husband, died on the road.  Naturally, your father did what any kind, generous man would do for a poor widowed mother of two, left with nothing and with nowhere else to go—he made me his new wife, and gave me and my darlings a new place to call home."  She dabbed her crocodile tears away with a lace handkerchief.  "He was a good man.  He shall be missed."  She swept her arm towards the twins.  "These are my daughters, your new stepsisters, Cynthia-"  The one with the side ponytail waved.  "-And Edwina."  The one with the pigtails waved.

M'gann stood in the doorway, her brain trying to process this new information.  "Well, it was nice meeting you all.  I wish I could stay, but..."  She turned to leave, but Regina's voice made her stop dead in her tracks.  "And just where do you think you're going?"  She turned back around.  "T-To the airport.  I have a plane to catch."  "Oh, I don't think so!", Regina said, stepping towards Megan.  "Since your father didn't write a will, everything he owned now belongs to me!  The house, his money...and you."  "M-Me?"  "Yes.  The state of New York has appointed me your legal guardian.  And as long as you are in my custody, you are going to stay right here.  I'm the mistress of the house now.  And while I'm in charge, there's going to be some changes around here."

M'gann trembled, terrified of this woman who was putting a leash on her.  "L-Like what?"  Regina stared her down.  "I've let the entire housestaff go.  Now that our main flow's been cut off, we can no longer afford hired help.  But my daughters and I are much too high of class and social standing to resort to menial labor.  You, on the other hand..."  M'gann shook her head.  "What are you saying?"  Regina glared at her, her eyes showing no sympathy.  "I'm saying that from now on, you will do all of the housework.  You will earn your meals and bed here.  You will do all of the cooking, cleaning, and tending to our needs.  If you set so much as one toe out of line, you will be severely punished.  You either do as we say, or face the consequences."

"Now do yourself a favor and get out of Cynthia's bedroom."  M'gann looked at her with wide eyes.  "But this is my room!"  Regina smirked.  "Not anymore."  "But where am I supposed to sleep?"  Regina grabbed her arm and dragged upstairs, to a tiny room in the attic, where there was only a single window, and the wind blew cold air through the walls, making M'gann shiver.  In the corner of the room was a lumpy, worn-out cot placed among an old, nearly broken wooden bed, covered in an itchy gray cotton blanket.  Next to it was a bag.  M'gann opened it and saw her most prized possessions were in there—framed photos of her and her parents, her childhood teddy bear, her favorite rag doll, and a paper-mâché butterfly that her father had brought her back from one of his travels.

Regina reached into an old trunk and pulled out a dirty white waist apron, a white kerchief, and old brown flats.  She walked over to M'gann.  She turned her around and tied the apron around her waist, making her gasp as she pulled the strings tightly.  Then she turned her back the other way and wrapped the kerchief over her head, tying it under her chin.  Finally she placed the shoes before her, watching as she stepped into them.  She looked over M'gann and nodded, satisfied.  "Now you look the part.  And I expect you to act like it, too.  I want my breakfast ready and waiting for me when I wake up at eight sharp tomorrow morning.  Do not fail me."  And with that, she spun on her heel, strutted out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

M'gann just stood there for a moment.  She looked at her new surroundings and saw a tall looking glass in the corner of the room.  Slowly, she walked over and looked at her reflection in the mirror.  She lifted up her apron and touched her kerchief.  She looked like a maid.  That was what she was now.  A maid.  The life that she'd once known was over.  Starting tomorrow, she would be a servant in her own house.  Not knowing what else to do, M'gann walked over to her bed, got out her teddy bear, crawled under the covers, and cried herself to sleep that cold, dark night.

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