So This Is Love

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As Conner danced with the mysterious new maiden, all the other single girls who had hoped to catch his eye tonight stood on the sidelines, grinding their teeth in jealousy. Among them were Cynthia and Edwina. "Hmph! Who does she think she is? Some sorta A-List celebrity?", Edwina scoffed. "She thinks she can just waltz in here and snatch the guy right from under our noses?" "This is SO not fair!", Cynthia pouted. "We were here first! Ever since she came, the guy hasn't even looked at another girl! What's she got that we don't got?" Edwina sighed. "Conner!"

Lady Regina narrowed her eyes, leaning forward in the crowd to get a better look at the newcomer. "Hmmm...there's something familiar about that girl. I can't quite put my finger on it, but...I feel as if I've seen her before." She shook her head in concentration. "Whoever she is, she must be very, very rich. How else could she afford a pair of shoes made entirely of Phoenician glass?"

Lex was thrilled. "Ha ha! I knew this ball thing would work!" He pointed his finger in at Artemis's nose. "In your face!" He danced around. "And the best part is, now, not only will my grandkids be part Kryptonian, but part Martian as well! I'll have super grandkids!" He danced off the balcony. Artemis and Kaldur leaned over the railing, gaping at the couple. "I can't believe its really M'gann!", she said. "I haven't seen her in years!" "Neither have I.", he said. "I wonder what she has been up to all this time."

Wally, Dick, Zatanna, and Roy came onto the balcony. "So do I!", Dick said, leaning onto the end next to them. "Maybe after she and Conner are done mooning over each other, we can catch up with her." Wally smiled sheepishly at Artemis, who only glared and strutted past him, knocking into him without even saying sorry. "Ooooo...looks like someone's getting the cold shoulder.", Roy said. "Shuddup, Roy!", Wally growled. "Its all your fault she won't speak to me!"

As they argued, Zatanna got Kaldur's attention. "Hey, Kal. I've got someone I'd like you to meet." She motioned her arm out. A pretty girl around Kaldur's age, with cocoa-colored skin, dark brown eyes and black hair in a pixie cut, came out onto the balcony. "This is Raquel, AKA Rocket. She's Icon's new protégé." Zee leaned in to whisper in his ear. "And she's single." She grabbed Robin by the arm. "We'll just...leave you two alone to get acquainted." They ran off, leaving Kaldur and Raquel alone on the balcony.
Megan had her eyes closed as she felt Conner's big, strong hands guide her on the dance floor. She hadn't felt this kind of happiness since the Team disbanded. She never dreamed she'd see Conner again, let alone at the ball. Than again, she'd never dreamed she'd have a fairy godmother who'd poof up a dress for her to wear at a grand event. But here she was, in a dazzling gown, in the arms of the boy she loved.

When she opened her eyes, she saw they were no longer in the ballroom. Instead, they were outside, in a maze of gardens, flowers of every kind and color brightening the pathways, fireflies illuminating the greenery. "Its beautiful!", she cried, looking around. He smiled. "Not half as beautiful as you are." She blushed. "So...", he trailed off. "What've you been up to these days?"

She paused, looking at the grass. What do I say? I can't tell him the truth. He'd never love me if he knew I'm nothing but a cindermaid now. She bit her lip. "Oh...stuff. What about you? Anything note-worthy in your life right now?" His eyes went wide. Oh, man, what do I tell her? If she knew I'm living with Lex Luthor, she'd hate me forever! He looked up at the sky. "Uh...things." They stood there awkwardly for a moment before Conner broke the silence. "Let's not dwell on the past or future. Let's just...enjoy the moment."

She smiled as he slipped his arms around her waist. "Of course..." She pressed her forehead to his. Closing their eyes, they stood there, swaying to an imaginary tune in their heads. "I missed you so much, M'gann. Everyday, I felt my heart grow a little sadder." "I missed you, too, Conner. Every night I wished upon a star that I'd see you again. And tonight my wish came true." They opened their eyes, his piercing baby blue orbs locking with her sweet honey-toned ones. In that moment, M'gann forgot about her stepmother and stepsisters. Conner forgot about his scheming father. Tomorrow, they'd probably be back to scrubbing floors and learning about businesses. But for now, they were safe in each other's arms.

He chuckled as he rubbed his neck. "Hey...there's something I've gotta announce tonight. At first, I thought it was really stupid, but...after having you here tonight, I know I've finally made my decision about-" All of the sudden, a loud BONG! interrupted him. Megan made a sharp turn to look at the great clock tower nearby. The not-so-little hand of the giant clock was very close to the big 12 on the very top, showing that it was 11:59. M'gann gasped. "Its almost midnight!"

Conner looked back up at the clock. "Oh. So it is. But what does that-" "I have to go!", Megan cried as she gathered her skirt in her hands. "I have to go now!" He whipped his head back to her, staring at her with wide eyes. "What? But—you just got here! You can't leave now!" "I have to!" "But-But why?!" Her eyes darted back and forth. "Oh, umm...Lex's son! I haven't met his son yet, and I was really looking forward to that!" Conner scratched his neck. "Uh...M'gann? The thing is...I'm his-"

Before he could finish, the little hand moved, and the clock struck midnight. BONG! Megan pecked him on the cheek. "Thank you for a perfect evening! I've loved every moment of it! Goodbye!" She darted out of the gardens. He looked at her retreating form in shock. "Wait! Come back!", he cried, running after her. "I can't lose you again! Please, come back!"

Ignoring his pleads, M'gann ran through the crowds in the ballroom as fast as her feet could carry her. Conner burst into the hall, grabbing everyone's attention with his yells. "Someone stop her!" He followed her into the crowds. "M'gann! Please! Come back!" Just as he caught her in his sights, Cynthia and Edwina dove right in front of him. "Don't I get a dance?" "Forget her! Dance with me!" He looked up to see M'gann running up the stairs. "Wait! Come back!", he called out to her, pushing the twins aside.

M'gann descended the stairs in a hurry. In her rush, she stumbled on one of the steps. She looked behind her to see that one of her crystal glass slippers had fallen off. She turned around to retrieve it, but as she reached out to take it back, she saw Conner come out on top of the stairway. "M'gann, wait!" Biting her lip, she turned back around, abandoning her glass slipper, and jumped into her carriage.

The horses let out a mighty neigh and trotted off, fast as lightning, pulling the coach away just as Conner reached the end of the stairs. "No!" He watched, helpless, as M'gann and her entourage sped off into the deep thicket of the woods. Holding his head in his hands, he sat on the last steps and cried. He looked up, tears spilling down his cheeks. "I just got you back. Now I've lost you again."

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