A Life of Misery

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Over the next two years, Regina and her two horrid daughters made it their mission to make M'gann's life miserable. Poor M'gann mopped the floors, washed the dishes, did the laundry, tended the garden, dusted the furniture, cleaned the curtains, cooked the meals, polished the antiques, set the table, and whatever else the terrible trio could think up for her to do. Worst of all, she was forced to wait on them hand and foot, help them dress and undress, doing their hair and makeup, serving them seconds and thirds of their food, delivering whatever it was they wanted her to fetch them, whether it was the mail or their new lace fan, while they sat like queens all day long.

Cynthia and Edwina wore beautiful gowns of silk and satin every day, adorning themselves with diamonds and pearls and tying lovely ribbons in their hair. They each had two separate closets, one for everyday wear, and one for formal occasions. They slept in grand canopy beds, on mattresses stuffed with ostrich feathers, under cozy thick velvet comforters. They ate thick, tender meats accompanied by delicious hot vegetables and juicy fruits, and ended each meal with a spread of desserts from all over the world. They spent their days shopping in boutiques or going to fancy tea parties, and attended glamorous balls and galas every other night.

M'gann had nothing to wear but her old black silk she'd worn to her father's funeral. It was getting old and worn, but her stepmother had sold all her other clothes, and wouldn't let her buy new ones. She slept on her lumpy cot in her drafty attic room, her thin blanket barely able to keep her warm. She hardly got enough to eat, as her stepfamily only gave her the leftover scraps from their own glorious meals. She spent her days cooped up in the house, slaving away over the daily chores. Regina didn't even allow her to go into town for groceries, and instead had them delivered to their door. At night, she'd help her stepsisters get ready, see them off, then sit by the fireplace, replaying old memories from her time on the Team in her mind and wishing she could go back in time, relive the happiness that had been so cruelly taken from her.

One night, there was an little "incident" at one of the grand parties, causing Cynthia and Edwina to come home early. When they saw M'gann sitting next to the fire, the ashes covering her face and clothes, they erupted into peals of laughter. "Look at you!", Cynthia taunted. "You're all grimy and sooty! You look like a cinder-wench! A dirty Meg!" "Wait a minute!", Edwina cried. "That's it! That's what we'll call you! Cindermeg! That's what you are!" They skipped off, crying over and over, "Cindermeg! Cindermeg! Cindermeg!", in mocking tones. M'gann looked at herself in the mirror and saw what her sisters saw.

Her once spotless green skin was hidden behind a coat of black ash, making it hard to recognize her. Her lovely red hair was now tangled and dirty, caked in grim and soot like the rest of her. Her black dress was looking worse for wear, the skirt torn off to the knees, showing her dirty legs, her sleeves ripped to her elbows, revealing various cuts and bruises, her apron sporting holes and all sorts of stains. Her hands were rough and dry from the many hours of hard labor, and her shoes had become so worn through she didn't wear them anymore, and instead went barefoot.

She stared at her reflection, not even recognizing herself. She wiped some soot from her cheek and glanced at it coating her fingers before looking back in the mirror. A single tear slipped down her cheek, leaving a trail in the dirt. Her stepmother and stepsisters had truly transformed her into a creature of ash and toil. "I really am Cindermeg." She began to cry when she heard a small squeak.

A tiny herd of house mice had gathered themselves at her feet. A few months after her father died, M'gann had freed a baby mouse from one of the traps. The others had shown their gratitude by befriending the lonely Megan. Using her telepathy, she could connect their minds to her's and talk to them inside their heads. Don't cry, Meggy!, said the girl mouse, who she'd named Olivia. They're just jealous of you! M'gann sighed. Thanks, Olivia, but why would those two be jealous of me? I'm Cindermeg.

Because you're ten times prettier than they'll ever be!, said the mouse Megan had named David. And nicer, too!, said the one named Peter. M'gann smiled at them. Thanks for the effort, guys. She looked out the window and saw the North Star glimmer high up. She closed her eyes softly. I wish I could see my friends again. More specially, I wish I could see Conner again...

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