The Glass Slipper

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Klarion groaned as he slouched in the back of the limousine. "We've been to fifty houses already! And we haven't found one foot that fits!" Robin popped his head up from behind his seat. "That's because they're not M'gann! The slipper will only fit her!" He sat back down next to Kaldur. "Whose house is next?" Kaldur looked at the list of houses in New York.  "This house belongs to the widow Regina Jones and her two daughters, Cynthia and Edwina Matthews-Jones."

Wally squirmed in his seat as he glanced over at Artemis, who was sitting right next to him.  Ever since they'd started their journey, she'd refused to even look at him.  She stared out the window at the trees as they passed by.  His heart beat faster and faster as he slowly reached over and patted her shoulder. She whipped her head towards him, her eyes narrowed into slits. He leaned back, but he didn't give in to his fear. "Uh...can we talk?"

She folded her arms over her chest. "There's nothing to talk about, Kid Ass." He chewed on his lip. "Look, Artemis, I'm sorry for what I said to you. It was spiteful and cruel. I guess I was just mad. I'm really sorry." "Sorry? Sorry?!", she screamed. "You humiliated me in front of the whole Team and shattered my heart! I was actually starting to like you until you dissed me for Roy! For the first time in my life, I felt like I was apart of something. Something bigger and better. Then you isolated me from the others. And you think you can just say sorry, and everything will be okay?!"

Wally sighed. "I am sorry. I just couldn't understand why you sabotaged our mission. I was angry for a week or two. But after a while...I started to miss you." Artemis's features softened. "I missed hanging out with you. So I went to your apartment to apologize and give you a chance to explain...but I found your mom crying.  She said you had run away without leaving behind so much as a goodbye note.  I made her some coffee, and she told me everything about her and your dad and your sister.  I finally understood."

He looked at her in the eyes.  "Artemis, those two years when I knew I'd driven you away were the saddest, most depressing years of my entire life.  I know I was a jerk, and I know I probably don't deserve a second chance, but...could you find it in your heart to forgive me?"  Artemis stared at Wally blankly, unsure what to say.  Finally, after what seemed like forever, she opened her mouth to speak.

But before she could utter a sound, the limo slowed to a stop.  "This is it!  House number fifty-one!"
Cynthia and Edwina hurried to the window, bouncing up and down with excitement when they saw the limousine pull up in front of the chateau.  "Mother!  They're here!  Conner and Vandal Savage are here!"  "We're gonna get our chance!"  The twins hurried over to the vanity mirror, fussing over their appearances as their mother walked over to answer the door.  "Now, girls, this is your last chance!  Don't fail me!"

She opened the door to reveal Vandal Savage standing in the doorway.  In his hands, he carried a purple velvet cushion, the glass slipper carefully perched on top of it.  Regina smiled her usual fishy fake grin.  "Come in, m'lord."  He entered the house, Conner close behind.  He wore a nice white shirt and black dress pants, his hair combed neatly, in case he found M'gann in whatever house he visited.

Savage faced Regina.  "Now, I think you know why we are here today.", he said in a calm, monotone voice.  "Conner William Kent has ordered us to accompany him and his friends in searching for the girl he loves.  He asks that every unmarried young woman between the ages of fifteen and twenty in the state of New York try on this glass slipper.  Should it fit any of the girls in this house, he will propose marriage to her.  Do you have any eligible young ladies living in this house?"

Regina grinned.  "Indeed I do.  In fact, I have two."  She swept her arm out towards the twins, who curtsied before their guests.  "May I introduce my two daughters.  Cynthia, and Edwina.  Girls, say hello to our guests."  They smiled as big as they could.  "Hello!"  Robin leaned over and whispered into Conner's ear.  "Are you sure you wanna try it on them?"  "I say we skip this house or run for the hills.", Roy muttered under his breath.

"No!", Conner hissed, shaking his head.  "Who knows?  One of those girls could be M'gann in disguise."  "Why would she disguise herself as another girl?", Raquel whispered.  Conner shrugged.  "Maybe she's testing me.  Maybe she's trying to hide from me.  Maybe she's being forced to hide herself against her will.  But the ruse will be over when she tries on the slipper.  No matter how big or small she makes her feet, the magic will make it fit her."

He nodded at Vandal Savage, who took a few steps towards the twins.  "Very well, than.  Which one of you girls want to go first?"  Edwina's hand shot in the air.  "Me!  Me!  Me first!"  Cynthia pushed her aside.  "No way!  I'M going first!  Age before beauty!"  Edwina crossed her arms.  "You're only older by four minutes!"  But by the time she'd said that, Cynthia had already claimed the velvet chair by the fireplace.

Vandal Savage got down on one knee and removed Cynthia's left shoe. He gasped, taking in the scent of sweat and perfume combination, before taking out the slipper and going to try it on her foot. The slipper slid in easily at first, but stopped halfway past her foot. Savage shook his head. "Nope. Too big." Cynthia looked down. "What? That can't be!" She pushed Savage off of her. "Let me see!" She grabbed the slipper and pulled it towards her, trying to squeeze her foot into it. "See? It fits!"

Artemis walked over and snatched the slipper away from her. "Yeah, I don't think so." She looked up. "Next!" Edwina ran over and pulled her sister off the chair. "My turn! My turn!" She plopped down in the chair and stuck out her bare foot. Savage put it down, trying not to breathe through his nose, and took the slipper from Artemis. A few moments later, he turned his head around. "It fits!"

Conner ran over to see. From under the skirt of her dress, the front of the slipper fit snugly around her toes. Edwina grinned from ear to ear. "See? I knew it was mine!" She looked up at Conner. "Now, I believe there was a proposal in the deal?" Before Conner could get down on one knee, Robin pushed his way over to Edwina, grabbed her foot, and lifted it high. Her foot only filled up half of the slipper, and it dangled from her toes, which seemed to be the only parts that fit. Edwina bit her lip. "My foot must've shrunk." Robin quirked an eyebrow as he looked at her. "Nice try."

Conner took the slipper from off her foot and cradled it to his heart. "Aren't there any other girls living here?", he asked, his voice pleading. "NO!" Regina's response was so abrupt and loud that everyone found themselves rearing back. She regained her posture and smiled nervously. "No. There are no more ladies in this house. Only me and my daughters. So if you don't desire to marry them, I suggest you be on your way."

Conner hung his head, staring at the slipper, when he noticed something.  Three little brown mice were hiding behind one of the table legs.  Slowly, he bent down at the knees and looked at them.  "Hey, lil' guys.  Whatcha doin'?"  The mice came out of their hiding spot and squeaked furiously.  Regina strutted over and raised her foot to stomp them, only to have Conner stop her.  "Okay, call me crazy, but I think they're trying to tell us something."

The mice scurried to the grand stairway and squeaked some more, looking up at the stairs.  Conner went up a few steps and turned on his super-hearing.  From the very top of the house, he heard the soft sobs of a young woman.  "Oh, no...please, no..."  His eyes widened when her heard her voice.  He'd know that sweet voice anywhere.  "M'gann!"  He ran up the stairs, slipper in hand, towards the one he had been searching for.

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