Happily Ever After

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It was a bright, beautiful sunny day in the usually sleepy town of Happy Harbor, California. The birds were all chirping a happy song, and the cute little squirrels were all scampering around, cheerily chattering. Today wasn't just any old day. Today was the day that many people had waited for.

In the heart of the homey little town, a lovely little white church sat. Inside the church, at least fifty people were gathered in the stands. Standing in front of the altar was a handsome young man in a tuxedo as black as his hair, and a baby blue tie to match his dazzling eyes, which were full of love as they gazed the woman before him. She wore a gorgeous white gown that spread out around her legs and fell past her feet. She had long elbow-length gloves slipped onto her arms, and a long white veil draped over her head, concealing her features.

The priest smiled as he closed his leather book. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Smiling like an idiot, the groom lifted the veil from the lady's face. She had dimples as she smiled, brightening her freckled cheeks, her golden-brown eyes sparkling as she gazed up at him. He put his hand over her long red hair, styled into soft curls, and lovingly pressed his lips to hers. Everyone in the stands jumped to their feet and applauded.

Conner Kent gazed into the eyes of his beautiful bride. "I love you." M'gann Kent giggled as she looked up at her husband, studying his fine features. "I love you, too."

And as M'gann stood there in Conner's arms, she felt happier than she had felt in over two years. She had overcome loneliness, abuse, slavery, bullying, and all other obstacles, and had been reunited with the love of her life and the people who truly cared about her. And even though her mother and father weren't there to celebrate with her, M'gann knew they were looking down at her from heaven, proud of their little girl for finding where she belonged.

And so, everybody lived happily ever.

The End

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