If The Shoe Fits

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M'gann sat against her locked attic door, tears flowing down her face.  She knew that after the twins failed to fit their feet into her glass slipper, her stepmother would unlock her, and everything would be the way it was before.  Only this time, she would have lost all hope.  Regina would only keep her on a tighter leash after this.  M'gann would be lucky if she ever saw the light of day again.

All of the sudden, she heard footsteps and faint voices from outside her door.  Standing on her feet, she wiped her eyes and peeked through the keyhole.  Lo and behold, Conner was hurrying up the stairs towards her bedroom.  "M'gann?  M'gann, are you in here?  M'gann!"  She fiddled with the doorknob and banged on the door.  "Conner!  I'm in here!"

When her heard her voice, he passed the glass slipper to Kaldur and ran to the door.  He pulled on the handle, but it wouldn't budge.  Furious, he turned to his friends.  "Its locked!  Somebody locked her in the attic!"  The Team went wide-eyed.  "Who would do that?", Raquel asked.  Just then, as if on cue, Regina and her daughters came up the stairs, to be met with over a dozen angry glares.  "What?"

Wally stormed up to her.  "Did YOU lock Megan in the attic?!"  Regina shook her head.  "You don't understand!  M'gann is only our scullery maid!  From the kitchen!  She wasn't even at the ball last night!  She can't possibly be the one you're looking for!"  Kaldur stepped forward, his face stiff with fury, and held out his palm facing up.  "The key, please."  Regina stood up straight.  "Absolutely not!"

"Its okay.", Conner said.  "I don't need it."  He slid his fingers through the gaps in the sides of the door and, with a mighty yell, pulled the door clean off the hinges.  His heart filled with joy when he saw the familiar green-skinned girl standing behind it.  "M'gann..."

She smiled, wiping away her tears when she saw her savior.  "Conner..."  He took a step towards her and took her hands in his before looking into her eyes.  "I think you left something at my place.  I wanted to return it."  He led her over to her bed and sat her down on it, followed closely by Kaldur.  He held his hand out behind him, and Kaldur took up the signal, handing him the glass slipper.  Holding it carefully in his fingers, Conner held up M'gann's bare foot and put it into the shoe.  It slipped on effortlessly.

Kaldur turned to the rest of his peers with a warm smile on his face.  "Its a perfect fit."  The kids erupted into cheers and laughter, while the villains simply clapped.  Artemis was so happy, she threw her arms around Wally and crashed her lips onto his in a passionate kiss.  Regina and the twins were a different story.  Regina had her eyes wide, her teeth bared, and her fists out in front of her, shaking with rage as she panted heavily.  Cynthia and Edwina screeched at the top of their lungs, sobbing uncontrollably as they cried out, "ITS NOT FAIR!!"

Conner gazed up into her eyes, his ice-blue orbs piercing into her sweet honey-tone ones.  Smiling, M'gann reached into her apron pocket and pulled out the matching slipper before putting it on her other foot to complete the pair.  Their eyes were both sparkling with love and joy as he took both her hands and pulled her to her feet.  He chuckled a bit.  "Sorry I didn't tell you about Lex."  She shook her head.  "Its ok.  I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my stepfamily.  I'm in their custody, so they won't let me leave."  Conner smirked.  "But wasn't your eighteenth birthday just last month?"

She thought for a minute.  "Yes.  It was.", she said, smiling wider.  "I completely forgot!  That means I'm a legal adult now!"  "And so am I.", Conner said.  He got down on one knee before M'gann, still holding her hands.  "M'gann M'orzz,", he said slowly.  "Will you make me the luckiest and happiest guy I know?"  M'gann found herself blinking back tears.  Over the past two years, she had cried tears of sadness, loneliness, anger, or grief.  But not this time.  This time, she was crying tears of joy.  "I'd love nothing more."

He got up back on his feet and planted a deep, loving kiss on her lips, which she ecstatically returned.  Another round of cheers from the Team and anguished groans from the terrible trio rang through the air.  But Conner and Megan didn't hear a thing.  They were far to focused on each other.

Sorry if its so short.  Stay tuned for the epilogue!  I do not own YJ or DC.

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