The Invitation

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M'gann was scrubbing the steps of the stairs when the doorbell rang.  "Who could that be?", she thought aloud.  Sure, her stepmother and stepsisters were invited to a lot of high society events, but no one ever called on them personally.  She put down her rag and walked over to the door.

Standing behind it was a messenger with Lex Luthor's insignia on his chest.  He handed M'gann a golden envelope with an shiny emerald green seal and left.  M'gann stared at the envelope, wondering what could be inside.  She overheard her stepsisters singing, their voices horribly off-key.  "Maybe I should interrupt the, um, music lesson."
"SiNg SwEeT nIgHtAnGaLe!  sInG sWeEt NiGhTaNgAlE! Hi, i, i, i, IIIIII, aBoVe Me!"  Cynthia's voiced warbled and screeched.  Edwina's flute playing was no better, sounding like long nails being dragged across a chalkboard.  Only their mother's piano was in perfect note and tune.  Their song was interrupted by a knock on the door.  M'gann walked in.  "I-I'm sorry...I know you said never to bother you, but one of Lex Luthor's messengers delivered this."  She held out the golden envelope.

This caught Regina's interest.  "Lex Luthor?  Lex Luthor, the richest man in the world?  Let me see that!"  She ran over and snatched the envelope from Megan's hands without so much as a "thank you". She ripped it open and read the letter inside.  A few moments passed before she shrieked.  "There's going to be a ball, held at the Luthor Mansion in just two weeks!  Every unmarried woman in the state of New York are invited, and it says that Lex's son and heir will pick a bride from the lot!"  The twins squealed so loudly, the windows nearly shattered.

"A ball!  I'll need a new dress!  And new shoes, new jewelry, a new hairstyle..."  "Me, too!  Me, too!  Then Lex's son will surely fall in love with me!"  In all the excitement, Regina dropped the letter.  M'gann bent down and picked it up from the floor, reading the fine script.  "Every unmarried woman?"  Her soft red lips formed into a smile.  "Why, that means me!  I'm going to the ball, too!"  When they heard her say that, Regina and her daughters stopped giggling and fluttering about and whipped their heads around to glare at M'gann.  "YOU?"

Cynthia and Edwina burst into howls of laughter.  "You?  Go to the ball?  Puh-lease!  Do not make us laugh!"  "Yeah, right!  And just what makes you think that Lex's son will pick you to be his bride?"  M'gann shook her head.  "I don't care about his son.  I just want to have a good time."  Cynthia turned to her sister, snickering.  "Can't you just picture it?  Dirty little Cindermeg dancing at a ball!"  "I'd be delighted, young sir!", Edwina said, mimicking her stepsister.  "Would you mind holding my broom?"  The gruesome twosome doubled over in peals of laughter.  Regina shook her head.  "I am sorry Cindermeg, but I'm afraid you can't attend."  M'gann glared at them, hurt and angry.  "Why not?"

The twins stopped laughing to stare at her.  "After all, I'm still a member of this family!  And it says that every unmarried woman in New York state is invited!", she said, raising her voice louder and louder. "I have every right to go as you two!  I break my back everyday running errands and doing favors for you three!  All I ask is that I have this one night off to have fun!  Is that too much to ask for?"  Regina looked at her stepdaughter, a blank expression on her face.  Finally, she slowly smiled at M'gann.  "Oh, M'gann!  You know I was only joking around!  Of course you can go to the ball with us!"

M'gann gasped.  She hadn't expected it to be that easy.  "Really?"  "Really?!", Cynthia and Edwina cried.  Regina nodded.  "Absolutely!  That is, provided you can find a proper ensemble for the event on time."  "I know just the one!", M'gann cried.  She still couldn't believe what was happening.  "Oh, thank you, Stepmother!  Thank you so much!"  She hurried out of the room.  "I'm going to the ball!"  She shut the door behind her.
M'gann hurried up to her attic bedroom.  She knew exactly what she wanted to wear to the ball.  She pulled out a white trunk with golden lining and opened it.  Inside were all of her mother's things—her portrait, her animal sketchings, her African bead jewelry, and—the thing M'gann was looking for.

She pulled out a beautiful yellow dress.  It had a fake azure butterfly sitting on the keyhole neckline, puff sleeves, and a sheet of yellow tulle falling down the ruffled skirt.  The hem and neckline were lined with white lace, and tiny pearls held up each ruffle in the dress.  This was not just any gown.  This was the very same gown that Marie was wearing the night she had first met Ma'alfea'ak.  M'gann couldn't wait to wear it herself.  Of course, she would need to update it a little, and sew up some moth holes, maybe add a little something extra for pizzaz.  But nevertheless, it was perfect.

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