The Archer and the Frog

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The loud scream awoke the Team, driving them to Kaldur's room. They were armed and ready for action when they saw Kaldur's bed empty and a green frog with silver eyes on the floor wearing Kaldur's clothes.

"Team, we have a problem," the frog spoke sounding exactly like Kaldur.

"Awwwww!" M'gann screamed excited while bending down to pick Kaldur up nd nuzzled her green cheek aginst his slightly slimy dark green cheek. 

"Why and how are you a frog?" Artemis asked. 

"The wizard. That is the only way to-rippet- to explain this." 

"You're right. I'm going to Roy's to see if he is okay," Robin and Wally quickly left to Roy's apartment.

M'gann insisted on carrying him to the kitchen and he hopped on the island, trying to get used to his long floppy legs. When Robin, Wally, and Roy were announced through the computer and a small rippet ran through the cave. Kaldur hopped to the end of the counter and jumped to the ground. They hopped over to them with the others following and they saw a light green from with Roy's green eyes.

"Roy, is that you?" he asked. 

"Kaldur, is that you?" 

"Sadly yes. We need to talk. Follow me," Kaldur hopped to the pool with Roy following.

They reach the pool and they sat at the edge of the pool casually.

"Kaldur what is going on. Why are we frogs?" Roy asked having an idea on what is going on. 

"There is a wizard. He is trying to make us fall in love."

Roy froze where he sat and looked at him. He reached his webbed arm to Kaldur softly.


"Because-because I made a wish. A stupid one." 

"Which was?" 

"It doesn't matter. I know how to fix it but you would hate me for it." 

"Kal I can't hate you. Your my fir-my first best friend," Roy practically lied. 

"What about Robin and Wally?"

"That not what I was trying to say. I was going to say-that-you tell me your wish first," 

"You first," they chuckled softly. 

"Well I was going to say-well, let me show you instead."

Roy leaned in slightly and brushed his could green lips against Kaldur's cheeks. Kaldur, out of pure instinct turned his head connecting their lips together. They stayed that way for several long minutes before pulling away, eyes still closed.

"I love you," they both whispered softly.

When their eyes opened, they were still frogs. This left them both confused yet content. It didn't matter that they didn't change back to human like the fairytales; they were living their own Disney story.

"How long?" 

"When I saved you from Chesire. When you two kissed I was filled with this odd yet familiar sensation of jealousy and knew then you would never love me. Who could love someone broken like me?

Roy ousted and placed his green padded digit under his chin.

"I loved you since you told me about what happened to Tula. I wanted to kill the bitch for breaking your heart the way she did. Ever since that day, I have looked at you differently. In a good way," they chuckle softly while they touched foreheads. "I always wanted to give you the love you deserve, the love you crave but could never receive.  I-i am-no I do-what I'm trying to say is it might take a while but I wanna by your guy." 

"Do you want to know what I crave right now?"

"What is that?" 

"I want you to shut up and give me a kiss," Kaldur smirked while Roy chuckling.

They smashed their lips together roughly a small hum vibrating their throats. They stayed connected for what felt like hours until they separated to breathe.

"What was your wish anyway?" Roy inflated for a second then released quickly a tint ghosting his cheeks. 

"I wished for you to love me." 

As if Neptune himself heard that wish, they were surrounded by a cloud of purple dust and changed back into humans, They look at each other in shock with smile son their face. Standing up, they embrace each other tightly as the Wizard appeared. 

"Finally! Geez," they separated in shock and face him. 

"You're the guy from the bank robbery," Roy said in surprise.

"And after the mission and at the fountain," 

"I've had my eyes on you two for a long time. It's about time you two admitted it. I've been through many difficult couples in my day but you two are my hardest I have faced yet," 

"I guess we were both blind to the truth," Kaldur turned his head to hide his red cheeks, Roy pecked his tinted cheek. 

"I see a beautiful life with you two. There will be trouble and challenges but you two will survive. And Kaldur, don't worry about the law, make love the only law you follow. " He winks to the boys softly and disappeared with a snap of his fingers. 

They looked at each other with small confusion and hope in their eyes, walking hand-in-hand to the  Team, to tell them the news.  

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