Part 18

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Part 18:

Brian’s POV:

She looked so beautiful. The blue in her dress brought out her eyes and it hugged her body in just the right places, showing off her figure. Wow. I loved her. So much. I knew I wanted to tell her that before she had to go back to school. I wanted to do it tonight. Tonight she would know. I drove us to a cool restaurant Dylan suggested. We walked in and I, being the dashing gentleman I am, pulled out her chair and let her sit down. We silently looked over the menu for a while.

“So whatcha getting?” I asked.

“Just a salad.” She replied. I frowned.

“Hey, you know you don’t have to be one of those girls right? The ones who don’t eat anything in front of their boyfriends?”

She laughed. “I know, Bri. It’s just that pretty much everything on here is meat.”

Wait, what? Did I hear that correctly?

“Wait…you’re a vegetarian?”

“A lot happens in two years Bri,” she said without even looking up from her menu.

I sighed. I would never NOT feel guilty about that. Every time we mentioned it, I couldn’t help but wish we could change it. She sighed.

“Look, I’m sorry Brian. I just…that’s still rough for me. I waited years, Brian. YEARS.  And you ignored me. And I know I hurt you a lot, but do you know how much that hurt me?”

Why? Why was our first date going like this? It wouldn’t end like this. It couldn’t. I found her hand under the table and tangled my fingers in hers, squeezing gently.

“I know. And I’m sorry. But I want you to know that you’ll never have to wait for me again. I’ll never ignore you. I’ll always be here for you. Always.” She smiled.

“Way to include Harry Potter, Bri.” I grinned. My girl was back.

The rest of dinner passed smoothly. We left the restaurant and I started driving toward the edge of the city. I parked my car next to this big field on the edge of a hill. I took Emma’s hand, grabbed a blanket out of the back of my car, and led her to the top of the hill. I spread out the blanket and sat down, patting the space in front of me. Emma sat down between my legs, leaning back into me as I wrapped my arms around her. We sat in silence for a while, admiring the view.

“This is beautiful. Just perfect.” Emma mumbled.

“Just like you.” I said, kissing her neck softly. She giggled.

“Don’t lie to me, Bri.” I turned her head to face me and looked deep into her beautiful blue eyes.

“I’m not. You’re beautiful. You’re so beautiful, and I don’t think you’ll ever know how perfect you are. You’re not just my girlfriend, you’re my best friend. And I feel like you know me better than anyone else. And I don’t just like you because you’re beautiful. I love how you’re smart and talented, and I love how you push your hair behind your ear. I love how you’re obsessed with Disney and Harry Potter and superheroes and you don’t care what people think of you.”

I sounded so cheesy and cliché, but I didn’t care. I wanted to tell her everything. She needed to know.

“And I love how you make me feel. I love how you can make me smile without trying. And Emma, I…I love you.” 

I could’ve kept going. I could’ve listed off so many things that I loved about her if she hadn’t interrupted me with a kiss. She pulled away after a while, burying her face in my chest.

“I love you too, Bri.” I smiled and kissed her again before gently picking her up and carrying her to the car.

Jaime’s POV:

Where were they? It was almost 2 in the morning. Emma and Brian should’ve been back hours ago! Yet they were still missing. Lauren was having a panic attack, Julia was pacing, and Meredith and Denise were still trying to call them. Now, I’m no idiot. I figured Emma wouldn’t come back over here, and tomorrow at rehearsal we would talk for hours about their date and details of their…nightly activities together. I knew they were probably having sex right now, but I didn’t want to tell the girls. Lauren and Julia would demand that we go find them right now, and I did NOT want an actual visual image of them in my head. So I didn’t mention it. Not yet anyway.

“Where could they be? It’s late!” Lauren wondered, as Julia kept pacing. Meredith looked up suddenly.

“You don’t think they could be…you know…doing IT, do you?”

I smirked, but kept quiet as the other girls squealed.

“Maybe we should just go over there in the morning? We can make sure they at least made it to Brian’s safe.” I suggested.

That seemed to calm everyone down. With that we all settled down to sleep. I couldn’t help but wonder what we would find when we got to Brian’s in the morning.

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