Part 17

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Part 17:

Emma's POV:

  I was at Lauren and Julia’s apartment with them, Jaime, Meredith and Denise. They were helping me get ready for my first date with Brian! As soon as they had heard the news, they insisted on getting me ready, having Brian pick me up at their place, and having me come back over after the date for a girl’s night. They didn’t know the truth though. They thought that Brian just asked me out randomly, that he just recently found the need to start a relationship with me. They didn’t know that it had been going on for years. Jaime figured I should tell them. I figured I would…if they asked. Right now Meredith was curling my hair as Denise did my makeup and Lauren, Jaime, and Julia tried to pick the perfect outfit out of Lauren’s closet.

“So Em, was this like, totally random? Like, did Brian ever show any interest in you before?” Lauren asked. Well balls.

“Uhh….yeah! Totally random! Had no idea where that came from! Never even saw it coming! Nope! Definitely random alright!” I laughed nervously.

I saw Jaime raise her eyebrow at me in the mirror. Dang. I cleared my throat a little.

“Actually guys…there’s something I haven’t told you. Any of you. Jaime only knows ‘cause she was there.”

All the girls stopped what they were doing and sat down around me, ready for my story. I took a deep breath, not really ready for their reactions.

“Brian and I…have been seeing each other ever since I started college.”

And cue the collective gasps and comments.

“And you didn’t tell us?”

“Why’d you keep it a secret?”


I blushed. “Well, I wasn’t really ready for a relationship when it started, and we figured the guys would be pissed. And yes Lauren, we have. Many, many times.”

And cue the gasps again. Jaime just gave me a look. I knew I’d have to tell them everything. So I did. I told them about our first time, sneaking around behind everyone’s backs, and our fight. I told them everything up until last night, when we were once again cockblocked by Joey and Brian asked me to be his girlfriend. When I finished, they all just kind of stared at me, too shocked to say anything.

“Well? Someone please say something. This is awkward.”

Lauren cleared her throat. “Well…I think that…THAT’S THE CUTEST EFFING THING I’VE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE!!”

All the girls murmmered in agreement. I sighed in relief.

“Really? You guys are okay with it?" Meredith put her arm around my shoulder.

“Of course we are! I mean, we wish you would’ve told us, but we still love you guys!”

“Yeah!” Julia agreed. “As long as he doesn’t do anything to hurt you. If he does, he’s gonna answer to Momma Jules.”

We laughed as Meredith finished my hair and Lauren turned back to her closet.

"Aha! Found it! The perfect outfit!"

And it was. I got dressed in Lauren's blue and black striped tight dress, black cropped jacket, leggings, and boots. And of course, my necklace. I hadn't taken it off since Brian gave it to me. As I stepped out of the bathroom, all the girls whistled. I blushed and turned in a circle.

"So? Do I look okay?" Jaime brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

"Girl, if Brian doesn't find this sexy, he might be insane!"

Just then we heard a knock on the door. Oh god. I felt my stomach turn to knots and my palms got sweaty. Why was I so nervous? It was just Brian! I walked into the living room, and my breath hitched in my throat. He looked...good. Like really good. Dang. He wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me softly as the girls squealed in the background.

"You ready?" he asked. I smiled.

"Definitely ready."

He opened the door for me, waving at the girls, before taking my hand and leading me down to his car.

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