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A new year; five months being single, five months of working out, five months of getting really popular outside USA and five months of change. Got some tattoos, dyed my hair black-- I'm a totally different person. For starters, I've got abs, never skipped leg day and I'm pretty much happier without Ross. In my senior year of high school and I'm finally being recognized outside of America. Had great gigs at Ultra Miami and MTV's 'I Love Malta', great way to kick start my career. Things between Ross and I have been hectic. He's single, I'm single but I guess we're both ready to mingle. It's been five months and I'm just happy with being a single butterfly or whatever.
It's the end of Spring Break and it's back to school. White long sleeved crop top that exposes some of my tattoos, black ripped jeans and white and black Adidas Superstars, curled hair-- I'm ready to go back to school.
Walking out of my room and into the kitchen, I see the whole family busy in the kitchen with their breakfast.
"Morning crew. It's back to school for me. Off to get breakfast with Karisma, bye!" I grab my new car keys-- got the new Land Rover and I got it in crystal white-- and I'm off to Karisma's place.

"OH MY GOSH, BACK TO REALITY!" She says nervously and looks at me, "And you're pretty much a new person. You look hot!" I whip my hair and smirk. "Thanks. Just training hard with Ted, totally worth it." We get out of the car and walk into the school. When I open my locker, I remember that my first period of the day is at Geography and Ross is going to be there. Great...
After taking our books, Karisma and I say our goodbye and head to our first class.

There he is, sitting and focusing on his books. Still looking hot as always. I close the door and all eyes on me, even his. He looks shocked by my new look, he's not the only one. I nervously shuffle to my seat next to him and awkwardly take out my textbook and pencil.
"Jenkins," I grimace. He stays silent, I find it rude but my focus is on the teacher.

GEOGRAPHY COMES TO AN END and I get stopped before I could exit the class. Little Ross Jenkins finally realized his little gesture was rude. No lie, I enjoy the little tension but my face doesn't.
"What?" I withdraw my wrist from his tight grasp and frown at him.
"Umm, just wanted to tell you about the senior camp coming up. You skipped Assembly Gathering so I just wanted to tell you about it..." He says. His cheeks red, expression shy...I'm getting butterflies! Ross pulls out his black marker, pulls up my sleeve and scribbles down a date...guessing it's the date of the camp. Then he scribbles down something, can't really see what it is. He lets go of my hand and walks off, giving me an opportunity to check it out. I blush after reading it. He misses me...fuck. This is mind fuck!

"NICE SESSION, see you tomorrow Bebz," Tyrone, dad's new MMA coach says. It was a good ab workout and a little sparing. I walk to the locker room and only to find Ross there. He does MMA? I've dated this dude and I didn't know this, I must've been a bad girlfriend. His wandering eyes are on my sweaty body. Must be a great view because, I'm in a sports bra and some short spandex, both Adidas.
"At least compliment my hard work," I roll my eyes and shut my locker and storm out of the room. When I step into my car, I see Ross running after me. Well it's to late, I'm off blondie.

The day has been long. It was actually my first day back from my tour around the country and in Europe. The reaction everyone had of my total transformation was extremely overwhelming but great. Thanks to Ted, Tyrone and my tattoo artist and hair stylist...I look extremely good.
Dad doesn't approve my tattoos but since it's my money, my body...he had to accept it.
I arrive at home and Janice is here. She might just be visiting Ted or she has news about producing my own album with her vocals...maybe Ross' could sing a little but since we're not an item anymore...I don't see that happening. It's going to be a mix of Trance, Electro, EDM and Deep House; all my favorite genres of music. Going to name it, Manuscript 'cause the titles of the songs are quite deep as well as the songwriting. My fans don't even know about it, I'm just going to drop it like its hot.
Back to the Grey's penthouse, I greet Ted and his new girlfriend, Janice, and my parents and their staff.
Newsflash, the little BDSM room dad had has been changed into a studio. It's very awkward because I still remember all the bondage shit in the room but I'm glad I've got my own studio now. Need to calm down and just listen to music...

WHITE TANK WITH A GREEN ALIEN HEAD ON IT tucked into my high waisted ripped denim shorts, black Yeezy's and my hair tied in a messy bun. Ready to hit day two.

It's a day away from the whole senior camp and I'm a little nervous. All the seniors are talking about it, including Karisma and Chey. I'm not even excited to go sleep in the woods. Its obviously going to be my first camp and stuff. Fortunately, I've got good friends who'll just help me with picking out camp stuff. Like tents, sleeping bags...stuff like that. Oh and I'm definitely adding onto my plaid fleece shirts and finally get some more pairs of Timberland boots.
"SO WHEN AM I GOING TO GET HER BACK?" I ask anxiously. "In three weeks," the manager says. Just got into an accident with my car and now I'm carless for three weeks. Chey, Karisma, Greg and Austin don't have a car...they've got chauffeurs and I really don't like being around their chauffeurs...what the hell am I going to do!

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