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Scavenger hunt, capture the flag even a little paint balling with no padding, all the challenges for the day are finally DONE. When I say this, I say it for all the seniors. We're exhausted, we smell like sweat and all kinds of disgusting shit and we are definitely hungry! Took us roughly three hours to wash off every bit of bad bacteria off our bodies. In a green and black plaid shirt, spandex and my hair is in boxer braids and I'm in my tea colored Eskimo boots. Now we're finally settled down with some dinner made from the teachers and we're all having a laugh at the bonfire. Thank God I've got my camera, wouldn't be able to take such great pics of amazing memories that was made today.
Wesley starts frowning as he looks at Ross and I and how far we're seated away from each other, "I'm confused, what's going down between Roebe or should I just say Ross and Phoebe?" My cheeks warm up in embarrassment and I stop eating before I choke on my food. Kailum taps his shoulder and shakes his head slightly. Saved by the class president. We did a good job electing him as president.

All the seniors are all snuggled up in their tents and warmed up in their sleeping bags while I take a walk around the campsite. All I can here is the crickets singing their nightly melodies and the swoosh sound coming from the dirty lake. The stars shine bright and my thoughts have polluted my mind. I regret splitting up with Ross but it did give me time to figure out who I really am and I'm proud that I've improved. Started taking care of myself, career is finally kicking off internationally. Everything's good but I'm still missing my partner in crime.

I sit under a tree and lean against it as I study the dark shadows of it when another figure comes to sit and join me. When I look up, it's Ross. My mind says that I should leave but I'm so happy he's here right now.
He greets shyly, "Hey. What's that beautiful mind thinking about now?" Jenkins got his hair all tied up, wearing a plaid shirt that matches mine completely and his specs on. Looking good and cute as always even when he isn't trying.
"Just going through some things...nothing really important," I grab a little pebble and toss it into the lake and watch it flow away.
"You know I still love you and I would do anything to have you in my arms again," he murmurs. Those words are extremely comforting...but I just don't know. I want him back more than anything but will I go back to being a scrawny little shit who doesn't care about her health? Trying not to be impolite, I hold his hand and rest my head on his shoulder, "Things just didn't go our way." He plants a soft kiss on my head and I close my eyes.

SUNDAY MORNING, and I'm laying in Ross' arms, just near the lake. The little talk we had didn't make me overthink things like I usually do but rather accept what has happened but I'm not ashamed to say that I'm glad that I've woken up next to him. We walk our separate ways, blushing. Once I get back into the tent, the girls have their suspicious eyes on me.
"Where were you last night?" Chey starts to interrogate, launching a packet of Oreos at me. My cheeks heat up as I sit next to her, "The lake. Fell asleep and it was very peaceful." The smirk on their faces just makes me uncomfortable.
"Doll, we not idiots. You had company," Karisma says as she packs her snacks back into the backpack, "Familiar company." We all giggle and look around as we hear the boys chuckling with the other sluts who are apart of the senior family. I stick my head out of the tent and spot Ross running his fingers through Morgan, one of the senior whores, and talking to her in a sexy manner. She's wet in her Triangle bikini and her smile is wide af. And my dreams of dating Ross have been crushed...not entirely. I get back into the tent and inform the girls of what I just saw. They pull out their swimsuits that show off their cute little waists and bombastic booties. I wear one of my favorite bikinis: all black and the bottom is thong designed with thick straps, the top doesn't really show off my boobs but all my tattoos and fit assets are exposed. After braiding my hair, I walk out and run to the lake and join the girls. Someone hooked us up with big chargeable monitors and deep house and progressive trance has got us dancing. It's our last day here, why not have a swimsuit party. Ross is near and he is chilling with the other his eyes on me. Kailum isn't really Ross' friend so I grab him as he walks by and dance with him while Destination by Nick Talos roars out of the monitors. He always had a crush on me and today is his lucky day.
"It's a one time thing," I whisper as we dance, face to face. His hands on my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck. "Since it's a one time thing--" he leans in for a kiss and kisses me. I didn't see that coming at all and I definitely can't get my lips off of his. He's such a good kisser but I need to stop kissing him...he's not allowing me to stop kissing him. I open my eyes when someone pulls Kailum off of me and realize that it's Ross. He swings at Kailum and I'm left shocked and angry. I hold him back before there's more chaos.
"Calm down!" I yell at him and pull him by his hand and closer to the tents. "Calm down? How the fuck am I going to calm down while Kailum is drooling over you?" He yells at me and his face is red. How am I the suspect when I'm actually the victim?
"I was just having fun and dancing with Kailum! He just came around and made out with me, he kissed me. I didn't kiss him," I snap back at him and push him violently. He grasps my wrists and stares angrily into my eyes, "I told you that I love you and I want you back but you fucking go after the nearest guy and start kissing him. First it's Cole then Kailum?" He lets go of my wrists and rakes his hair with his fingers. "You were with that slut Morgan and expect me not to react as well? You said you love me and I was about to say it too until you had your fucking hands all over her!" I yell back and poke his chest, holding back my tears.
"Fuck it, I can't do this," he runs off like the pussy he is...but I hate it when he walks away from me. No more Roebe I guess.

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