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"Trimmed and posted on Twitter and Instagram, posted full video on Facebook page. I swear this was the best promposal ever," I giggle and rest my head on Ross' shoulder as I show him my feeds. He kisses my nose softly and pulls me on top of him. We look deeply into each other's eyes. "What you said bout your virginity and me owning want me to take it now or?" I ask awkwardly and look at his hands. He takes mine and holds them, "Only if you're ready."
The night ended with cuddling and not moaning or any sort of bleeding. It was a very good night of reconciling. Maybe on prom night, we will hit it off sexually. I don't know, sex isn't something you plan to do or whatever. It just comes when the moment's right. So, personally I think we will wait till the moment's right.

It's Wednesday, almost night time, and I'm at home, busy with my dad. Talking business and how the merch is going to help my name, stuff like that.
"If only you're willing to be my business partner, it's going to be fair dad." I giggle. He smiles and scribbles something down on his notepad. "Would be abnormal but I will think about it and talk to everyone about my daughter wanting to be my business partner."
"If the Kardashians can do it, why can't I?" He walks towards me and squeezes my shoulder, "We are the Greys and the Kardashians aren't as perfect as us. Well, we aren't perfect but I like to think that we are," he walks out of his office and I follow him. The elevator doors open and Reese walks out and she looks tired. Her eyes are puffy and red, nose is the same color and her hair is in one hell of a mess. The girl's a grunge junky but she isn't this messy. She looks like she's seen a ghost fucking her boyfriend.
"Reese, hey." I dash towards her and pull her closer, wrap my arms around her and embrace my cousin. She slowly wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly, I can feel her tears touching my skin. I'm so confused.
"Brogan and I are expecting..." She whispers and Ted walks into the room. He heard what she said, loud and clear and he's got this disappointed look on his face. My jaw drops and I release her, looking deeply into her blue-green eyes. Ted walks closer and glares at her, "You're pregnant with Brogan's baby? How could you do this Reese!" He throws a tantrum and rakes his floppy copper hair. We're not even biological cousins but I didn't expect Ted to react like this.
"The love we have for each other is important and it's obviously a precious thing. Days like this, we go through anger and disappointment but right now we need to be there and support Reese through her pregnancy," I look back at her and hold her hands, "You need to tell Elliot and Kate." She pushes me away and screams, "Are you fucking crazy? They'll force me to abort this baby or just abandoned me," she throws her head backwards and wipes her tears, "Or maybe it's the right choice. Terminate my problems and just continue having fun and not caring. I'm not ready to be a mom..." Ted grabs her shoulders and shakes her, "Are you out of your mind? You have got a Grey in there and you can't kill it. It's either you tell your parents or I will, your choice Reese."
I bite my lip and start to think...maybe I should call Kate and Ethan over. But Reese seems scared, I mean look at her. Looks like she hasn't eaten in ages. Ted walks to his room and I can sense he's so disappointed. Reese looks down at her feet and all I can do is comfort her, she's my best friend and my cousin. She needs me anyways.
I pull her into a bear hug and walk with her to the kitchen. Grabbing all the snacks we would usually choose to chow down. The kick-ass girl I know, starts to smile when I grab our photo album.
"We can eat and check all our old photos, if you like. Or we can sit in the studio and just record anything you wish to record. I'm free as a bee," I suggest. She wipes her tears and grins, then nods. We walk to the studio and sit near the producing desk or whatever. I pull out my iLaptop that has all the songs I've recently produced with Cole and click into my music section, playing all the songs on the loud speakers.
From nodding our heads to humming along to singing along and dancing like crazy. The whole pregnancy-shock-therapy was a success! Reese is finally happy and in a good mood, it's like she forgot about all her worries.
We walk out of the studio, panting and giggling from the amount of fun we just had. The elevator doors open and uncle Lelliot storms out with his annoying wife, Kate, by his side. He's red with anger and he starts shouting, "Where is she? Where's my daughter?" I whisper to Reese to wait at the studio and I run to the sound of his voice. His eyes are on me and he's fuming.
"Uncle Lelliot, calm down." I walk towards him, putting my hands on his shoulders. I see mom and dad running downstairs to see what's going on.
"How the hell am I going to calm down when my daughter has had sex with that delinquent? And now she's pregnant!" He yells out loud. He was so close to tackling me down but dad and Ted holds him back. I gasp and take a step backwards and I was so close to falling but Reese holds me before I trip. My heart starts to pound in my chest as my anger starts to heat up all over my body, my two hands starting to curl up into fists. I slowly push her backwards, biting my temptation to run to Elliot but once they let him go, my instincts yell go.
"Theodore told you, didn't he?" I growl softly as my chest rises then goes back down. Dad and uncle Lelliot look at each other and I can see dad is shaking his head. The rest are looking at me like I'm a psychotic female.
"Did he tell you or not? Tell me before I fucking lose it!" Breathing starts to be a difficulty but I'm not letting it stop me from being angry.
"Calm down..." Oh now he's attempting to tame me. That little bastard!
"Calm down? Telling me to calm down? You obviously wanted this to happen you insensitive bastard! We have a cousin code, once we're comfortable...we share with the rest of the clan but you're so selfish and decided to tell them before she could! I thought you were trustworthy but you just proved you're one evil little crackhead who's trying to bring this family down!" I look at Lelliot and my breathing has stopped, "And you were ready to beat the living shit out of your own daughter? Can you not see she's vulnerable and guilty for what she's done? I had to take her in and be a good family member and make her feel like she's done nothing wrong. You Grey men are one group of sick bastards and don't give me that look Kate, I've never liked you since mom has introduced me to you for the first time--" eyes blink slowly and I lose my balance. Collapsing on the ground. When everyone surrounds me, shaking me to wake eyes shut.

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