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"PENS DOWN PARTY AT CHEY'S PLACE," I yell out as soon as we all exit the exam room. Everyone cheers then walks their different ways. Got Chey and Karisma's arms linked with mine. We're smiling and everything is just going well. Prom is this Saturday and in two weeks, I'm graduating. Haven't been in this school for long but I've made friends for life and I've learnt a lot of lessons. My career is shooting through the roofs, I still can't believe I'm close to releasing my album. Last year, I never thought I'd ever release an album. It was a shocker but I'm just grateful. Played at Ultra Miami, got back together with Ross. There was a lot of flaws but I guess every success has a remarkable story behind it.

Just arrived at the penthouse and Reese's chilling with Brogan and Ted. Her little blip is showing and it's a cute sight I must say. Ted and I haven't really spoken ever since the whole tattle situation, I honestly do miss him but what he has done was very cruel.
"Momma and papa bear, how's you?" I giggle and childishly tickle Reese. Her laugh is loud, making Brogan and I laugh at her. Ted is left out but he just smiles.
"We're good. I'm glad you're done with finals, you're graduating soon. That's exciting news to me," Brogan says. South African accent that's just too hot. Like I can't wait till the baby's born, I'm excited. Just imagining the baby calling me aunt Bebz, just gives me the biggest chills. It's the sweetest thing ever.
"Well, the girls are coming over soon. Have a prom dress appointment with them, and to be brutally honest, I've never been this excited to go out shopping for dresses but it's just so exciting!" For some reason, I just want to turn up and have the time of my life. Not worrying about anything and just dance the night at prom. Then attend a prom after-party, that's just amazing. Even though I'm a DJ and I've been to loads of after-parties but it isn't as exciting when you're standing being the turning table.

"A GRAY DRESS? Are you punning me?" Karisma is just seriously getting on my nerve, but I'm laughing at her choice of dress.
"No, the dress will make your eyes pop. Or..." She searches the for another dress, and she pulls out a powder blue dress that has a sweetheart neckline and has a lot of glitter and bling. It's a pretty dress but I'm not planning too look like Cinderella, maybe if I was still five.
"You can't always be the queen of the dull and monochrome, it's prom! Just try on these two dresses Karisma found and this beautiful beige masterpiece I picked out for you," Cheyenne smirks at her choice. I have no choice but to try on these three dress. Before we walk to the fitting rooms, I quickly pull out the prom dress I asked one of the people to look after. Mom and I chose the dress but I never wore it.

When we get to the fitting rooms, mom's having some orange juice with her so-called best friend Kate. Yeah, the woman and I haven't said anything to each other after the argument I had with her husband; uncle Lelliot and I aren't talking either. It hurts but I guess if you're going to use violence and hate speech, I'll do the same and add in a little silent treatment.
Dress one: powder blue dress. I already hate the way it looks, there's a lot of sparkles and it's a sweetheart neckline, and I'm so happy I'm not the only one who thinks its a trash dress.
"Dress number two?" Karisma bites her lip guiltily. I nod and walk back inside the dressing room.
Dress two, it looks dangerous and very sexy. Feisty and sophisticated, does really make my eyes pop. If dad was here, he would want me to buy it even though it's all flashy. The color of the dress would be the reason why.
I walk out and everyone's in awe, well except for mom and Cheyenne.
"This is so you, I'm surprised you don't like it," I frown at Chey's reaction.
"That's the thing, it's so me, not you. Go try on the dress I picked out." She shoos me back into the dressing room.
Dress three: it's cute but cute isn't really my style. Two piece outfit: a polyester flowy skirt and a tight crop top that has no sleeves.
"That doesn't scream prom to me, it's much more of a..."
"Award show outfit," mom finishes Kate's sentence. My friends agree and so did I.
Dress four: my dress that I've been waiting to try out since the day I got it saved or whatever these shopping people call it. It is a black dress, there's no surprise with the color but it's a long sleeved velvet dress, low neckline and has a classy feel to it with an open slit on the left leg. It has a slim tail as well. The outstanding detail at the bottom makes me fall in love with it...
It looks PERFECT! I already see myself being escorted by Ross and dancing my night away at prom. Hair, makeup...this is definitely my dress!
I walk out with the widest smile on my face and this dress has definitely won over everyone's approval.
"That's gorgeous, you look freaking hot." Kate says. I smile at her, for the first time in sixteen years and thank her with a giggle.
"I agree, when did you pick that out?" Karisma asks, blushing.
"Six weeks ago with mom. Couldn't try it on because I had an 'emergency gig' but I'm glad I'm sharing this moment with you guys. I freaking love it!" I clap my hands like a little girl.

"HEY BEBZ, WAIT UP!" I hear someone calling my name. Sounds like that annoying class president names Kailum. After his little sneaky move at camp, he can't stop calling or texting me. Doesn't seem to get that Ross and I are back together. Just hoping the idiot doesn't ask me to suck him off or something.
"What?" I roll my eyes and look at him.
"Don't worry, not asking you out. Since we've got two days till prom and you're still a Lakeside newbie, the prom after-party is in your hands." He salutes and runs back to wherever he comes from. Brow creases and a lot of questions start roaming through my head. I pull out my phone and ring Janice's cell.
"Meeting at my house, now!"

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