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"Plaid shirts packed, shorts packed, pajamas packed, toiletries, bug repellents, underwear, training spandex, sweaters, sweat pants, sleeping bag, pillows, various snacks, trainers, torch, first aid kit, all power banks, Canon camera, sunblock, shades, swimsuits. Got my nice shorts on with a plaid shirt and my hair in boxer braids...ready to hit the road, Jack!" I pull my suitcases to the elevator door with the help of my mom and the company of my brother, dad and Taylor.
"Be safe, Bebz..." Dad says as he presses the button. I smile and hug my overprotective father. The doors open and I say my quick goodbye as Taylor steps in with my suitcase.

Squad's at school and we're all off with the school bus. Two school buses filled with Lakeside seniors. Ross is sitting somewhere with the boys...can't be bothered cause they're also his friends.
The long drive to the campsite is currently fun, we're playing songs with the audio cord plugged in and the speakers roaring the familiar songs. We singing along, taking pics, posting on Snapchat and Instagram, chowing on some snacks, having a laugh. So far so good, I'm definitely looking forward to camping this weekend. Coming back home on Monday and we're also having the Tuesday off.

"I TAKE BACK THE EXCITEMENT I HAD FOR THIS CAMP TRIP, this place smells like wet dog and dead bugs," I complain and squeeze my nostrils together. The girls aren't excited but the guys are. The boys take out all our luggage and Mrs. Sparks leads us to the tent area.

When we arrive, we're told to make our tents. It looks easy until you actually have to do it. We had to buy the big tent in the stop! Gracious, what the hell were we thinking? It's massive and totally hard to build...fuck! Already took us two hours to build with the help of Greg, Austin and Ross. The hard work totally paid off and now we're settled in the tent, sleeping bags...suitcases and our munchables.
There's obviously no signal, so we have to do the old fashioned way of hanging out with other people, hang around a campfire and socialize but that wasn't long.
Kailum, class president and one of the smartest kids in the school but doesn't look like one, says, "Guys, we need to get ready. Have to walk deeply into the woods and there's a great surprise at the end."
Got one of my sweaters on...well not technically my sweater but it's Ross's sweater. It's my absolute favorite sweater and I've cried with this sweater on after the whole breakup and I still love it. Got my black Adidas spandex and my trainers and the Seattle girls are off.

The temperature is cold, the walk is long but then a loud bang startles us all making me run for my life and trip over a log. The other seniors laugh but my friends help me up. We continue with the walk and I'm terrified by the animal sounds and the mosquitos roaming all around. Suddenly, sparks fly from different angle, making loud sounds as the explode in mid air. Fireworks...
These idiots put us up to this. By idiots, I mean the boys. They definitely won over the girls pitchy screams and girly sprints forward. I trip and fall the second time tonight and land in front of a big tent that has colored lights shinning out of it with pumping music. Kinda sounds like my mashups...
I stand up with no one's help and I slowly approach the tent, walking inside of it. There's a turning table and a DJ who look extremely familiar. Cole's here! I run behind the table and leap into his arms and he catches me, twirling me around. Okay, I never do this with Cole but after the breakup with Ross...he was the first to find out. Went to his apartment, he offered to cuddle and was sweet. After that, we went on dates, made out a little. Yeah, flirtationship kinda vibe. We had to end it though due to professionalism and our friendship but we're like best friends now.

"I never knew you were coming to the camp. Heck, I never knew you know about it!" I start to giggle. My classmates walk in, swaying their hips and already singing along to my remixes to popular songs. "That kid Kailum and Greg put me up to this," he pecks my cheek and pulls me closer. In the corner of my eye, I see Ross looking at us. Heartbroken, he looks down and walks away. My eyes are on Cole's and my smile hasn't died yet. I've missed him so much even though I haven't seen him in like two weeks. I nuzzle his nose and struggle out of his embrace.
"Well I'm glad, not everyone here knows that you're manager..."
"And post flirtationship partner," he winks. Gosh, he's so cheesy but it's awkwardly cute. I giggle and walk to my friends who are all glowed up with glow sticks and glow-in-the-dark paint. Joining into the mess, I'm ready to have some camp fun.
The night is filled with laughter, games, food, wild dancing and just good ol' fun. We don't need our phones to have fun. So we all decided to crash here, due to our laziness of walking back to our tents.

"YO...BEBZ, we need to get up," someone shakes me gently. I open up my heavy eyelids and look into Greg's eyes. He helps me up and walks with me out of the huge tent. Almost everyone is waiting for me outside. Oops...

The girls and I plan to shower but the bathroom is full of idiots and we decide to wash up in the lake. It's super cold but it's so worth it. I prefer the cold water over wandering eyes in the wash room.
"I saw you cuddling up with Cole last night, wanna tell me what's going on with yous," Chey asks with a smirk. I roll my eyes as I rinse the shampoo off my hair, "We're just friends. Nothing more."
Karisma gasps, "Your 'friendship' definitely won over Ross' bad side. He was so moody and jealous last night, everyone was wondering why. Phoebe, you're officially a thot." We all giggle and walk out of the lake and dry up then head our tent to get ready for the upcoming challenges.

"Morning dimwits, as you may see, we are at the muddy dam accompanied by big tanks, planks and all that stuff. Yous ain't dumb," Mrs Spark says with her evil grimace, "Y'all are making rafts! And since I'm you're PE instructor, it pains me to say that you'll have more time than you actually deserve. Got two hours to send each and every senior to the other side of the lake with the two rafts you will build. You've been separated in two teams; Purple and Green. The team that loses track of time and doesn't get all teammates to the other side, will have to go to the swamp and swim in it for two whole minutes. Does this sound like a deal?" Everyone chants with competitive excitement. I don't realize that I'm doing the same but I'm so pumped for this. Team Green, lets terminate the opponents!

I AM PISSED TO SAY THAT team Green lost and I'm covered in nature's shit. I smell like rotten potatoes that has been rolled in cow dung and vomited out by pigs. It was a lot of fun but I have to stay like this until we're done with all the challenges. Next up...tug of war. Guys against girls and I've got just the right idea to win.
"Second challenge of the day, y'all know the rules, therefore I'm not explaining. Teams assemble," after she says that, all the girls take off their tops and we're all left in our bras. Even though I'm covered in goo, I think we'll win them over.
"Go!" Mrs Sparks screams and the girls pull with all their might but instead of screaming, we make sexual noises. The thoughts makes me giggle and after a pull or two...we win! All the boys -including the guys in team Green- are dragged into the wet mud. I'm telling you now, after all this mess, it's going to be World War III in wash room.

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