Pull Your Punches

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(Aiden's POV)

  I was nervous the next morning the way I acted yesterday Ashton probably thought I liked him in much more than a friendly way..... But did I hell I didn't even know what's wrong with me?

  "Huh still haven't figured out why you're such a fuck-up yet Aidy" I stiffened at the familiar voice I must have said that last part out loud.

  I turned to face Jason I was so ducking done with his head games him trying to throw guilt on me for something that was mostly his fault.

  I eyed him with a glare what do you want I spat he scoffed " Not you I was actually wondering where your hot as friend ran off to Aidy boy would I kill for a piece of that" That was it I snapped I spun slamming Jason into the row of lockers behind him that were across from my own something he and his crew have done to me countless times.

  Ashton isn't yours and he never will be I snapped " Oh really and who's is he not your Aidy" he could be I barked then I heard someone clearing there throat behind me and paled please  don't tell me I turned to have my worst fears confirmed Aston stood looking down at me with a blank expression.

  I blushed bright red that's it he was playing with me he doesn't really like me and now that he heard me getting all possessive he's gonna hate me a sharp pain hit my heart at the thought of him hating me and a pressure built in my chest making it hard to breathe I felt caged so I did the only thing I could think of I ran and I kept running not listening to Ashton's call not caring if he was following me or not I just needed to get out fast.

(Ashton's POV before school)

I woke up early and in a really good mood something about the way Aidan was acting made me believe he had feelings for me the way I did him.

I got ready while blasting Fall Out Boy
I showered and got dressed in dark skinny jeans that hugged my hips and showed off my toned legs and a bright blue Hollister shirt that made my eyes pop and that showed off my fit chest brushing my teeth and running a hand through my hair I took one last look in the mirror and smirked at my reflection boxing was really paying off if I do say so myself I laughed at my wayward thoughts as I grabbed my keys and mounted my bike I had about thirty minutes to kill so I figured I'd get breakfast.

  I stopped at a place close to school that luckily served breakfast ordering was a smidge difficult seeing as I was unfamiliar with most American foods and not many places had British tea and we'll lets face it British tea is better most American tea is pretty foul stuff but somehow I still managed to have a good meal and killed enough time I revved up my bike and made my way to school my thoughts once again filled with Aidan.
  Aiden my Aiden oh how I wished it were true but even if he did feel that way for me I doubt he'd admit it to himself or others and I've been openly gay for so long I wasn't sure I could do a closet relationship I sighed and headed towards Aiden's locker to meet him would I always be doomed as just his friend?

  " Ashton isn't yours and he never will be" my ears perked at hearing my name that kind of sounded like Aid.
" Oh really and who's is he not yours Aidy" another familiar voice snapped I walked  over to Aiden's locker he was across from me his back turned pinning Jason to the lockers looking very pissed off.

" He could be " he shot my eyes widened did he mean that he wanted me to be his just said I could be he did like me and he just admitted it there was no way I was letting him go now that I knew I would fight for us.

I cleared my throat to get his attention and watched blankly as he went from pale to red to running in a matter of minutes I tried  calling after him but he ran faster oh no you don't I broke into a sprint after him I saw him slip out of the school and followed he collapsed under a tree looking like he wanted to cry I sat beside him and took a breathe.

  "Ash" he started no Aid I cut him off I need to say this I know we haven't been friends all that long and we didn't exactly get the best start but when I see you just like that my day gets brighter the way we just click when we talk ya know and I know I'm always joking around and stuff but my feelings for you are honest and that day at the ring I really did mean it when I said I wish you were my boyfriend his cheeks turned pink and I smiled slightly but I also really love being friends with you and if you don't feel like you want to have a relationship with me that is anything more than friends I'll respect that because more than anything I just don't want to lose you Aid I gave him a light peck on his cheek and stood to leave he had a lot to think about.

(Aiden's POV)

I sat and listened as Ashton speak making it clear that he liked me too God that was a relief I thought for sure he'd reject me I could honestly see him with someone like Jason someone who knew what they felt and what they wanted someone better than me but I guess in a way I couldn't because thinking of him with anyone but me brought a pain to my heart like no other I didn't know what it was I didn't even know how I felt I was so confused all I knew was that I couldn't lose him I knew it was selfish but I needed him.

  Wait I said almost in a whisper as he stood to leave he stopped but didn't turn so I walked around to face him firm in my decision I leaned in and kissed him.

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