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"Aid hurry up" I yelled for my husband "We're gonna be late."
"I'm coming I just had to find Connor's shoe are Brian and Joslin in the car"? "Yes babe the kids are ready I'm ready we have Connor's shoe now he's ready are you ready to go love?"

My husband smiled up at me "Yes darling now come on wouldn't want your dad to worry if we show up to late for dinner"
I smiled as my beautiful husband walked to the car so much has happened after that day two years ago at the hospital
First we came out, no one really cared enough to judge us and we actually made some really good friends who supported us, Aid's mum kicked him out so he moved in with my dad and I, after we graduated I took him back to London with me for Uni.
We decided to move back to the states after Connor was born from a surrogate mother so we could be closer to my dad and such since then we adopted the twins Joslin and Brian and we couldn't be happier, since then I proposed and  now we were married and our lives have been nothing but perfect.

"Ash dear come on we have to go" I smiled at my family as I shut the door "Coming love" now I guess all that's left is to live, love and be loved because isn't that what life is all about?

The End

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