Chapter 2

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"Let me guess." Kurt starts after the ball rang. "You're gonna annoy him until you get it right?"

"You know me so well Kurt my good fiend." I smile placing a hand on his shoulder still smiling like an idiot.

"You know as well as I know that the most money I have is 3$, so no I won't bail you out of jail."

"Kurt you're limiting my options here."

"You can manage, I'll tell your parents your at my house!" He yells waving his hand as he walks down the street and I start running to Logan's I need to get there before him.

[ Time skip to Logan's house ]

"Well isn't it miss four- wait no I mean TWO ears." I hear his annoying voice from near his house. I look up and I see him, ya know after like a lot of years he has changed. Longer hair, well not really long but longer, he has the same outfit and same deep blue eyes.

"Logan, look just give me my ears." I get up and I stand on the stairs so I'm his height, I hate being small.

"Yea these?" He asks grabbing the ears and pulling them. "Nope." He picks me up do I'm over his shoulder.

"LOGAN!" I scream.

"Look you can stay here all day, for all I care you can stay here FOREVER, but god luck trying to get them." He then throws me down and I hit the ground as he slams the door.

"UGHHH." I groan as I look up at his house until it hits me. Well almost hits me, suddenly Green Day and my favorite song comes on, Basket Case. God damn I didn't know he liked that music. Easily I jump onto his roof because of many (successful) man hunt games with bunch of older kids I don't know. Then I walk on the roof to where the music was coming from, and see him playing an electric guitar, and let me say he's good and by good he's actually great. Can't believe I'm actually saying he's good at something. Luckily the music is loud enough that he doesn't notice me, so I pull on the window and luckily it's unlocked. I slowly walk in and sit in his bean bag chair and wait for him to notice me which was the end of the song.

"Gah! What the fuck who said you could come into my room?" He yells and asks as he puts the guitar away.

"Me. Ya know man hunt brings a lot of skills to the table." I get up and now plop down on his bed. "I dunno, I like your room maybe I'll stay here."

"God your damn lucky my parents are away on a vacation." He sighs. "But now get out of my house."

"Nope I believe you said I could stay here FOREVER."

"Yea I'm fine with you not being in my house. Look if I give you your ears can you go?"

"Depends, I mean your room's growing on me, the bands, the music and some Louise." I sit up and make a rainbow with my hands. "Just a tv right there and maybe my desk right there."

"Look kid get out." Logan now walks over to me and puts my hat on my head. "I have to go anyways, thanks to your ears I have a date with Melissa at the mall. Seeing that you got in I can expect you know your way out." He gets up, walks to the door and slams it. Well. Goodbye? From the window I watch him ride away on his stupid skate board.

Being the human I am I decide to snoop a bit before I leave. Maybe this is why I still need a babysitter.. Anyways I first open a drawer in his desk. Magazines, of ladies in bikini's. Well no surprise here, until I find one that looks bigger than a magazine should be. Without hesitation I grab it and flip to a page that looks like it has stuff on it. And what I see is surprising. A picture of some high schoolers face cut out and glued to a bikini model. Priceless, quickly I take a picture and put it back where it came from.

10 minutes later I've snooped myself tired. I found guitar picks, some old scary movies which look good, band stuff and other guy stuff. Finally I decide to let myself out, all that snooping and I find nothing, well besides that blackmail material which we all know will come in handy one day. Since I don't feel like going home and listening to more of moms songs I decide to go to Kurt's I mean I should be there anyway.

[ Time skip to Kurt's house ]

 I show up at Kurt's house and it's around 4. He's probably in his room reading comics again. Sighing I walk down an alley and to the back of his house, on the dumpster, jumping onto a ladder and climbing into his window managing to only cut my thigh this time.

"So you got your ears back?" I hear Kurt witch starts me and I jump back close to falling out the window but thankfully Kurt grabbed my hand and I didn't fall to my death. But I did fall on Kurt unluckily straddling him.

"Yup. All I had to do was sneak into his house. Oh by the way I need a band aid, jump cut you know." I move my hand to the wound and I pull apart the fabric.

"Well your gonna have to get off me." I get off him and he walks to the bathroom and comes back with a big enough band aid. "You got lucky, last one." He hands it to me.

"I've cut myself that many times?" I ask, to be honest I'm kinda shocked I thought I've hurt myself trying to get into Kurt's house less times than that.

"No. Max got to them cuz his teddy bear had a bunch of boo boos."

"Well I hope his bear is feeling better." Max is Kurt's 7 year old brother, and also very cute. "Also I was thinking if I can get Alex and Jonas and some of his friends can we play man hunt tomorrow?"

"Tomorrows Friday right?" I nod. "Ok yea sure, where?"

"I don't know I'll talk to them tomorrow."

"Meanwhile, you should probably get home." Kurt says helping me up. "I'll drive you."

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