Chapter 9

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"Jackson, Hi!" I happily say as I walk over to him.

"Ooh hey, arent you the girl that came here with my little brother." He answers with a smirk.

"Nope not like that." Stopping him before he thinks about anything else. "Anyways whats with you and Louise?"

"Youre so forward."

"Just answer the question."

"Well what do you wanna know?"

"What do you think about her"

"Shes badass and cute, funny, smart and shes just awesome."

"So you like her?"

"I guess thats what you can call it."

"You cant have a conservation with anyone can you?"

"Arent we having one?"

"Ugh never mind." I then start to walkaway to go get more hotdogs wrapped in bacon but Jackson stops me.

"Wait I have questions too, I deserve an answer." He teases at me.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"Why are you here with Kurt?"

"What do you mean?"

"You obviously came here besides wanting to talk to me."

"Maybe I did why would I tell you?"

"I told you who I like you tell me who you like." He smirks even more if he wasnt before.

"Ha nope." I laugh.

"Its pretty obvious you like Kurt."

"I-I dont." Crapolla I stuttered.

"You stuttered" He laughs. "Dont worry I wont tell Kurt. But I will let you know hes not one for liking people."

"Oh..." I say in sadness. "Thanks I guess."

"Mhmm." He nods as I walk away. Does he actually never like people? If he does maybe me liking him is all for nothing. I make my way back to the table where Kurt is.

"How did it go?" He asks me handing me back the flowers.

For Louise I push my feelings to the back of my head and I explain everything to him.

"So he does like her." He goes off into thought.

"Yup, but honestly its not like I was expecting anything else." I mutter out.

"I swear if he hurts her."

"I would say I dont think so but I dont know really who he is."

"Thats very true. But I barley know him too. He may be my brother but hes always away or out." He explains. "Anyways hows this whole thing for you?"

"Honestly its pretty boring everyones either dancing, eating or talking to people they know. But honestly the only person I know here is you."

"Thats true, well the night is ending, so we should be going soon. But then again its MY family."

I start to laugh as we talk for the next of the night.


Louise P.O.V.:

"He likes me?!" I mini scream in the janitors closet during lunch because apparently this is our spot now.

"Yup, but I didnt expect anything else from what Ive heard Teddy" says taking a bite out of her sandwich.

"I have to agree." Kurt says back."Do you like him?"

"I dont know I really mover thought about it."

"Maybe you should stop Im mean given the problem youre in at the moment." Kurt suggest which is probably the smart idea.

"I will but I dont really know about like, is what might come a good idea?" I asks hitting my head with a broom.

"Oh hush thi honestly doesnt seem so hard. Do you like him yes or no? How long have you known him and how he acts? Also is Kurt okay with this?" Teddy says.

Me and Teddy both turn our attention to Kurt whos currently chewing his food."Wooise chan do whateva shwe whants hwer wife."

"Child chew with your mouth closed." Teddy yells and hits him in the back of his head.


"Whale, I mean now that I think about it, hes never really done anything wrong. Looking back the only real bad thing hes ever done is, when he makes fun of me for fun. Honestly I think there wouldnt be anything wrong with me dating him. IF I DATED HIM."

"So basically now you make the choice of do I want to date and do I like him. See wasnt so hard." Now give me your phone.

"Why" I ask gripping my phone.

"Im helping." Teddy says and snatches the phone out of my hands and starts to type."Kurt hold her back."

Before I can react Kurt is making sure I cant get my phone."I REGRET TELLING YOU MY PASSWORD."

"Oh you didnt have to tell me I already knew it, like Kurts is 7362."

"HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?" Now Kurt is yelling which I use to my advantage to grab my phone.

"Too late what is done, is done." Teddy smiles, grabs her lunch and makes her way to whatever class she has before the bell rings while I check my phone.

"What did she do?" Kurt asks while he cleans up from lunch.

"Apparently me and Jack are meeting after school at the park "

"Is that good or bad?"


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