Chapter 8

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"Ya know it's not really a plan if there isn't steps." Ted says looking ready to smack my head.

"Well can't you find those our along the way?"

"Yeah I guess, but you want me to find out what's happening with Jackson?"

"Yes." Okay I see how my plan isn't a plan anymore.

"Hate to break it to you but Jackson left a while ago." Kurt interrupts

"Wait where'd he go?" I ask, this is what happens when u take my phone away.

"My aunts getting married so he left early with my mom. I'm leaving next week to go with my dad."

"So much for the plan." I sulk a little.

"Actually there could be a way for me to go." Ted starts to say.

"There is?" Me and Kurt say in sync.

"Some people bring dates to weddings right. And we'll Kurt isn't dating anyone sooooo."

"No no no no. I already told my mom I'm going stag."

"Kurtttttttt." I look at him and pout.

"Louiseeeeee." He looks back at me.

We keep starring at each other while Ted just keeps looking at us back a forth. I start to fake cry and Kurt looks like he's going to give in. A couple of seconds later he finally snaps.

"UGH FINE YOU WIN." He yells, good thing it's lunch and no one can hear us. He then suddenly turns to Ted. "The theme is Pastel I'm wearing purple so you better match or my mom will make a fit. Meet at my house at 8am and don't. Be. Late." He then stomps off yelling something.

I turn and look over at Ted and she's blushing. "Why is your face red?" I ask and she quickly covers her face with her hands and that's when it hits me. "Oh my god you like Kurt!"

"N-no I don't." She stutters out and then walks away from me.

Well Monday next week is going to be interesting.

Time Skip next week (・ω・)ノ

Ted's P.O.V. Yes author can do this is is legal.

It's 8 am and I'm right outside Kurt's house. I've liked Kurt for a while but I never though this is how we would spend our time together, but Louise's request is first priority. Taking in a deep breathe I while off the invisible dust on my pastel purple dress. (You can decide how it looks as long as it's purple pastel (^з^))

I walk up to the door and I ring the doorbell and wait for a minute rocking back and forth on my feet when the door swings open to reveal Kurt. His brown hair up like always (like Justin {Justin Drew Blake}) but now he's in a tux. "Good your here were in leaving in like 10." He then leaves the door open and walks away.

Thanks Fam Bam.

Louise P.O.V.:

"Okay Louise here's your phone back." My dad says as he hands back my phone.

"Thanks dad!" I shout as I leave to go to school.

Since Kurt has the wedding and Ted is going with him today's going to be boring. Ugh. Great.

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz.

I look down and notice my phone won't stop buzzing. I just turned it on how many people texted me? I slide it open and I sigh. I have a good 20 messages from Logan. Oh and a few from Jackson. Do you see the difference?


A few.

Maybe this is why I like Jackson better.

Anyways all the text messages really was about how he was sorry. But at the moment I couldn't care less. I slide up my sleeve and I type in Ted's number, time to find out what's happening.

Louise- So what's happening so far?

Ted- Well nothing I have started small talk with Jackson BUTTT now the whole speech thing is happening.

Louise- So you have no information at the moment?

Ted- That sounds about right.

Louise- "Good at finding information"

Ted- Shutup! It's not my fault the wedding keeps doing stuff, but I will- The thing of flowers fell in my lap, it just landed there.

Louise- Wait like the bouquet?

Ted- Yes. Help everybody's starring at me.

Louise- Ha, nope this is what u get for not getting information.

Ted's P.O.V.:

Ugh Louise stopped answering me. Luckily everyone shuffled away and I'm still sitting here with the bouquet in my lap.

"What are u doing?"" Kurt says as he comes up to me. "Weren't you just suppose to find information on Jackson?"

"It just landed here! And I can stop being like Louise I know I know!"

"Then go! I'll erm hold onto the bouquet you go and find out things." He says and takes the bouquet and pushes me out of the chair. Rude.

After a good 7 minutes I finally found Jackson. Next to a girl. Oh great this conversation is going to go somewhere.



I totally didn't 😂😂😂.

Anyways sorry if you must know I've been obsessed with Minecraft Diaries. I'm actually in love with half the characters so yea 😂. I've been thinking about writing a story with it but of course I won't publish it until I have A LOT of chapters drafted.

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