Chapter 6

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"Ya know I still find it cool you have a hamster named Jenson, am I that cool?" Jenson brags while we sit on the swings at the park.

"You should know as well as I do Jenson is my fav actor from Supernatural, you know that." Monotone, it's great. But like agh it's Jenson, he's so cute but he runs off and onto the playground.

"Whatever, we all know it's a lie." Jack says as he starts to walk over to the swings and starts to swing. "So how's Highschool, well the new Highschool?"

"Don't. Even." I groan as I start to swing too. "It's so bad, and there's this kid. Logan. And omfg the other night, get this he was drunk, and in pretty sure he tried to kiss me." I shiver.

"Well who wouldn't wanna kiss you?" He asks smirking.

"Shutup." I say as I try to kick him.

"Nope." He laughs jumping off.

"You can't get away from me!" I tell as I jump off the swings like him but then...

"LOUISE!" I hear the most annoying voice ever.

As I jump off, it throws me off and I land on my ankle. "GAH WHAT THE FUCK LOGAN?!" I yell to try and keep out the pain on my ankle.

"Louise are you okay?!" Jack asks running over to me.

"No." I mutter out.

"Omg Louise I'm sooooo sorry." Logan says coming over but Jack stops him.

"Stop dude you've done enough." Jackson says. "Jenson, Will come on we're going to the hospital!"

"What happened to Louise?" Jenson says panicked running over to me and Will follows.

"I'm fine. I'm completely fine." I force a smile as I turn my head to Logan and he's just kinda standing there like, Well Shit.

"Look Louise, I didn't try to do this." He stutters out.

"Dude just go away." Jack says as he carries me bridal style."We're going to the hospital."

[ Time Skip; Hospital ]

"Look Louise you just have sprained your ankle, I suggest you don't play on it for a couple of weeks, luckily you didn't do THAT much damage which is good. I've called you parents and their on their way. Your boyfriend Mr.Jackson? He drove his younger siblings home and I believe he said he's coming back." The doctor calmly says which I ant understand how.

"Oh no, he's not my boyfriend." I frantically say waving my hands frantically, butttt the doctor walked away.

A couple of minutes later Jack walks in. "Please don't tell me you were the one who called my parents?" I ask hopefully.

"Sorry, but I needed to." He shrugs walking over and sitting next to me.

"They said they'd be here in like 10 minutes. How long are you gonna stay off it?"

"Two weeks. Just kill me now how do I do gym?"

"You don't."


"So I heard the doctor, boyfriend?" He asks smirking.









"NO THATS NOT FAIR WHAT THE HECK!" I yell but laugh at the same time.

"It's fair."



"WERE NOT DOING THIS AGAIN!" I yell throwing a pillow at him.

"Stopppppp." He cries and throws the pillow on my but trips on the chair and falls on me. I close my eyes to prevent me from what happens next, but I can't close my lips. His lips smash into mine and my eyes shoot open. We both pull away blushing and look away from each other.

"Louise!" I hear my dads voice almost on cue. "What the heck happened?"

"I rolled my ankle..." I lie.

"Do you know how much the bill was?" He asks yelling.

"Yea...! I'm sorry." I shouldn't be apologizing, Logan should.

"Good, now your gonna be spending more time at the restaurant."

"Okay..." Fuck.

"Let's go, we'll be waiting in the car." Yes. Leave me with a. Sprained ankle.

"Okay..." As he walks off, I just sit there again, but I get up some minutes later. "Bye Jack-" before I can finish he takes me waist and pulls me into a kiss but this time on purpose.

"Bye." He says waving off and walks away.

"A-aa-a?" I just stand there. WHATS HAPPENING WITH MY LIFE?

[ Time Skip; Home ]

Still here.





But then I hear a buzz from my phone.

Unknown: Are you okay what happened?

Me: Who are you?

Unknown: It's Logan.

Me: Wtf, how'd you get my number?

Unknown: Jonas.

Me: Brb killing him.

Unknown: Just wait, are you okay?

Me: Yea, no thanks to you though.

Unknown: Yeaaaa, I'm really sorry.

Me: Mhm.

Look I don't wanna talk, I don't know hats happening with my life.

Unknown: You wanna talk about it?

Me: Yes, but with anyone but you. So. Bye.

I quickly close my phone and put it on do not disturb.

Not dealing with life today. Why life. Why mine? Ya know what whatever. I'll just talk to Kurt later. Oh hey my stuff is there. Crap. My phone charger was in there T^T.

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