Chapter 4

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It is 6:28 and me and Kurt are waiting at the beach skipping rocks.

"5 skips I win!" I jump up and down.

"Ah shut up you know I can't skip rocks for the life of me." He then throws the rock at the sea ad it skips 7 times.

"Really you didn't see that?" I question him like he' an idiot.

We skip/try to skip rocks for a good five minutes until we get tired and sit down relaxing in the sand.

"BOO!" I suddenly hear from behind me as hands clamp on my shoulders.

"GAH!" And on reflex I quickly turn around and I punch whoever it is in the guts. Standing up I quickly turn around and well it was Logan. "Logan what the fuck I could've killed you."

"I told you man don't mess with a belcher." Jonas says walking over to me next to Alex and other people.

"Wasn't- worth- it-." He groans.

"Great job now we gotta wait even longer to play." Kurt complains.

"Might as well make teams, Me and Alex captains." I say standing away from everyone as Alex follows. "Kurt my team."


"Um, kid in red shirt." I call him, I remember him he's a good runner.

"My names Jacob." He says flipping his hair.

"Whatever." I shrug him off.

"Logan." Alex calls.

"Kid in blue hat"


"The one in the purple shoes."


"Band bracelets."


"Brown Sweater."

"Ugh fine, Sam."

"What's wrong with me?" Sam asks sounding offended.

"A lot of things." I chime in. "Logan can we play now?"

"No-." He still lies on the floor.

"Ugh, fine then I guess WE'LL hide you guys come when, well you know. Area is downtown no farther than that." Then we all run off, me and Kurt together. "Kurt don't forget our hiding spots." I sa as were about to split up.

"I'm not stupid." He smiles running off

As I run off I know exactly where to hide. There's this place behind a place called Exclamation! where there is this fence area with an indent I can hide in. I can see them, they can't see me. It works, I've came here a couple of times before, it actually goes really far back so I have soda and chips. Oh not to mention some comic books.


I sit here for a good 30 minutes going through my comic books. Until I hear something.

"Shit." I whisper under my breathe. Staying silent I stay still and I don't move. I see black vans, shit it's Logan.

"You really though I didn't know about this spot?" He say and then bend down to me.

"Well shit. Wait how do you know about this spot?" I ask moving away from him.

 "Parent problems needed to find a place away from home. But look what I gotttt." He takes off his backpack and takes out a bottle of something.

"Logan what the fuck is it?" I ask him grabbing it away from him. The bottle reads vodka. "What the fuck Logan why the fuck do you have vodka?!" I scream.

"What you've never had it?" He takes it back from me and uncaps it and takes a sip.

"Logan stop your underage!" I yell again trying to take it away from him again but I miss.

"Why do you care?"

"Why are you doing it around me?!" He takes a big sip and he coughs too.

"Because this is my spot to hang."

"Okay well this is manhunt, and stop." This time I snatch it from him and I throw it to the ground, but sadly most of it was drank. God dammit.

"Oh my god why are there two of you?" He asks almost slurred, not quiet but close.

"No stop we're taking you home."

"My mom will killllll me."

"So then what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know mann."

"Logan I'm going to give you some wa- I mean more vodka jus drink it." I hand him a water bottle knowing he won't notice that it isn't what he thinks it is.

"Louise have you ever realized how pretty you are?" He avoids the water and goes to touch my hair.

"Um, no please stop." I say blushing but moving his hand away.

"Ahh you're blushinggg." He moves hi ha back but accidentally to my right boob and in confusion h groups it and I gasp loudly slapping his hand away.

"Did you have any more on the way here?! I didn't you could get buzzed or even drunk this quickly."

"Maybeeeeee." He slurs.

"Well I'm out anyways, so let's go back to the meet up place Alex and Jonas can take you home or wherever." I start to crawl out of the indent but  get pulled back down by Logan and suddenly he's on top of me. "Logan we have to go." I try to get up but he's too strong it is not fair.

"Stop let me enjoy your beauty." He moves in lose to my face. "Your lips look so soft, let's find out if they are." He slowly starts to lean in and well I really don't want to be kissed right now, but I can't move out of the way.

"Um, hi?" I suddenly hear from outside. "Need help?" God, I have never been so happy to hear Kurt's voice.

Logan looks behind me and sighs getting off of me. "Oh my god thank you Kurt I have never been so happy to hear your voice." I get up quickly and hug him.

"What I didn't even get a hug." Logan complains and he gets up.

"Everyones been caught we've been looking for you." Kurt says as we walk back.

"I don't want to play anymore I just wanna go home."

"Go, I'll bring him back." Kurt thankfully says t the intersection.

"Thanks so much again." I hug him again as I walk off in a different direction.

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