Chapter 3

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It's morning and I luckily just got to school. I need to find Alex and Jonas, normally it would be hard to find them but since the whole switching schools thing I realized they go here. Easy enough now I just need to find him. The highest point right now is probably the stairs leading up to the school, so I step up on it and I search until finally at like the corner of the school I find them.

"Alex! Jonas!" I scream running to them. "Hey guys what up?"

"Four ears what are you doing here?" I hear an idiots voice from next to me.

"Logan BERRY Bush why are you here?" I ask emphasis on the Berry.

"Wait dude your middle name's berry?" One friend says who I recognize from man hunt, I think his name is Keith.

"Wait I thought you said your middle name was Hunter?" Jonas asks him.

"Uh. Wait why are you here again four eyes?" Logan quickly changed the subject.

"None of your business." I snap at him quickly. "Anyways Alex Jonas man hunt, I'm thinking today at like 7? Me and my plus one Kurt?"

"Yea sounds good for me. Jonas?" Alex says turning to Jonas

"Yea bring the usual friends plus one?"

"Sure whatever as long as we play, also beach at 6:30 don't be late." I mention.

"Wait Jonas, who's the plus one?" Alex asks.

"Berry." He laughs pointing to Logan and along with him I burst out laughing.

"SHUT UP!" He yells at us and now we're all laughing at him except for him.

"Did I ever tell you guys about the time I threatened to cut his ears off and he peed his pants?" I start to say laughing.

"Hey look four ears, isn't that your friend over there oh yea it is byeee!" I'm suddenly being pulled away to a group of people I don't know. "LOGAN!" I yell turn around and I kick him in the balls cuz he doesn't need to be touching me.

"AUGHHHHHHHHHH. WHAT THE FUCK." He falls on the ground obviously in agony.

"Don't touch me." I grit through my teeth, I look behind me and I see the guys laughing. "Okay, look maybe if you don't touch me again then maybe I won't hurt you." I bend down to him and I look at him in the eyes. His deep blue eyes... NO STOP THOUGHTS. "Are you okay now?"

"What do you think." We still keep eye contact.

"Your fine." I smile a big smile but then I feel someone grab my sweater and pull me down. SO I fall on top of Logan. "GAH! Logan!"

"Payback, cause technically your touching me so." Then I feel a punch to the stomach.

"I hate you." I somehow groan out. "A lot."

"Mhm. Sure." For once I see him smile pure innocence and laughter and I can feel my stomach turn and me blush a little. My first thought is Logan can't see me like this, my second thought is his laugh is cute. Quickly I get up, brush the dirt off me and I turn my head. "I have to go I see Kurt, I'll see you tonight." Then I walk away.

Honestly I don't know where Kurt is. For a good 5 minutes I'm wandering around like a lost puppy until I find him.

"KURT!" I scream running to him.

"Yea?" He asks shoving his hands into his pockets.

"First of all we're playing man hunt tonight. Also I kinda fell on Logan. How? Well he pulled me down and I fell and now i have this weird feeling when i see him, because he laughed and it was so cute and oh my god." I sigh and hang my head realzing what I'm saying.

"Wait you've never, like never felt like that before?" He asks me stopping.

"Nope." I shake my head but stop. "Wait. I have. But it was once. It was with Bo Boo-"

"Wait like boy band Boo Boo? Like from Boys for something? What's his face Max looks like he just got out of prison." He laughs monotnly.

"SHUT UP. And I wouldn't know I didn't like him. Anyways yea I liked him I then jumped on his bus and slapped his face. I got in trouble, but SOOO worth it."

"And you felt what to him?"

"A strong hatred?"

"No that other thing."

"Me liking him?"

"Yes that. And what do you feel to Logan?"

"A strong hatred?" I answer again.

"And you want to do what to him?"

"Hurt him."


"What?" I am so confused. Then it hits me. "WAIT NO I CAN'T! Wait can I? WAIT SHUTUP NO I CAN'T. AHHH." I quickly slap myself again, and again, and again until Kurt gabs my hands.

"Look, you can't control your emotions. Well if you haven't realized that yet."

"Or can I?" I think. "What if I ignore him?"

"I honestly don't think that'll work."

"It will watch and learn."

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