Chapter 5

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This has officially been really strange. Like really strange. Yah know with what Kurt says maybe I do like Logan, or maybe it's just weird hormones. I'm really hoping this is a faze.

Anyways right now I'm on my bed.

Starring at the ceiling.


Living life.

This is boring.

It's Friday so I have nothing planned on the weekend. Well time to plan things.

Louise- What are you doing this weekend?

Kurt- Video Games.

Louise- Well that's a lie, it's actually I'm coming over and sleeping over.

Kurt- And video games.

Louise- Kurt.

Kurt- Louise.

Louise- No video games.

Kurt- But I'm on the boss level!

Louise- Well then you better finish it before 1 tomorrow.

Kurt- Ordering pizza as we speak.

I close my phone and I turn to my side. Since Tina left for college at this Dance College to follow Jimmy Junior, so I got her room. I left behind my old room and decorated this room with band posters, a tv, video games and my hamster Jenson.

Honesty in my opinion he's the cutest thing ever

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Honesty in my opinion he's the cutest thing ever.

I look over at my clock and I realize it's 2 am. I sigh and I close my eyes trying to sleep.


I wake up to the squeaky noise of Jenson running on his wheel.

Clock: 11:47

"Time for a walk Jenson?" I ask unlocking his cage and grabbing him. "Ya know I feel like you and Kurt are my only friends." Petting him I put him in his ball and I let him roam around my room as I leave to eat breakfast before Kurt house.

Groaning I walk in to find everyone else is in the restaurant. Sighing I go to the pantry to get pancake mix and I grab my phone.

Louise- Kurt you want some pancakes?

Kurt- Yes.

Louise- Hows the video game

Kurt- All nighters still up, still not beat. Been living off of pizza and coffee.

Louise- ...

Okay take a nap and I'll be over with real food.

Kurt- But the game!

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