Chapter 3

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It was time to go to Zac's place, Hailey told me it was just a gathering of friends so I decided on using some denim shorts and a cute red shirt. She had something similar on too.

When we got there, there were like five cars in the driveway and I inoccently thought they were all Zac's because well, he lived in a mansion, but as we got closer to the door I started hearing music and people chatting. I silently prayed that there wasn't anyone in the house and that I just imagined the people talking, as stupid as it sounds I hoped it would be true.

We rang the bell and someone random boy opened the door to reveal a party, well a sort of party. There wasn't people drinking or anything because Zac's parents were in town but there was a lot of people talking and dancing.

Hailey must have noticed that fear was written all over my face, not fear of the people in the "party" but fear of talking to them which was pretty much the same thing, because she said "Don't be mad at me Mel, we both know that if I had told you this was a party, you wouldn't have agreed to come"

Of course she had a point but I hate to be lied to. I sighed as I swallowed my pride knowing better than to make a scene right in front of all these people.

We walked to where Zac was and said hello. Hailey was instantly dragged away by one of her friend and I was just left alone standing in the middle of Zac and his friends. Not awkward at all.

After asking Zac for his wifi password I decided to find a corner and just sit there, scrolling through tumblr or twitter. I was deciding what to do with my tumblr because I think it's getting kind of boring maybe I'll change my theme... 

"Hey" I heard someone greeting someone, probably beside me, but I never thought it was for me because I don't know anyone in here.. I just continued scrolling until I heard that voice again.

"It's rude to ignore people you know" When I turned around I was surprised to see a pair of blue/gray eyes staring right into mine. They belonged to a blonde haired guy.

"Omg! You were talking to me? I'm sorry!" I said a little surprised because hey! Someone was trying to talk to me!

He just laughed me off and asked me my name, I told him I was Melanie and we stayed like half an hour just talking about random things.

Turns out that he is Zac's neighbor, they have been neighbors since they were 5 so they were pretty close, he is in a band in which he is the vocalist and they play every friday at a nearby club. He is very funny, I swear I haven't laughed so hard since I left Downtown.

Suddenly he stood up and said he had to go, he asked for my number and I was left alone again. I wanted to find Hailey because it was sort of late by now and I prefer going home than staying here.

I went to the kitchen to look for her but seeing that she wasn't there I took the oportunity to check out his house, well just the kitchen.

Let me tell you that his kitchen is very, very big. I just sat in one of the island chairs and started reading through the newspaper that was on top, I've never been one of those girls that read the news everyday but there wasn't anything else to do so... I was flipping to the pages without actually reading, just looking through the headlines when one of them caught my attention it said:

"Mr. and Ms. Styles, senators from our government, finally decide to leave Downtown behind and help us solve our problems but now from the Upper Side.." 

The article continues for a page or so but I stop reading and let my mind process what I just read. I couldn't stop the gasp that came from my mouth when I realized that he was coming here. Well actually he was living here.

Harry was moving to the Upper Side. Who knows, maybe he'll live on my street or maybe on Zac's street or maybe he's here at the party...

"Mel! There you are! I was looking for you, I think we should go to your home before your parents get there bec.." I cut her mid sentence and showed her the newspaper because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to contain my excitement and tell her the story by myself.

She just read the article with a frown on her face and then looked at my excited face. "I don't get it Mel. What does Mr. and Ms. Styles have to do with you? Or with me?"

"Hailey! Do you remember the person we talked about like 2 hours ago?" She looked at me confusedly but nodded anyway. "Ugh girl. To be the first one in your class you sure are slow! I'm going to tell you in the car. Now let's go, please."

"Wait Mel, we have to look for Zac and tell him we are leaving" We stayed another 10 minutes looking for Zac until we found him on the couch talking excitedly with his friends. He looks so cute. Wait. What? Ssh he is my best friend.

"Zac we are leaving. Byee!" I grabbed Hailey's hand and lead her towards the car. When we were inside the car and safe from all the nosy people from the party I turned to look at Hailey.

"Hail, the boy we were talking about, do you remember his name?" I asked her as she turned on the car.

"Well, yeah obviously. I'm not that dumb. He's Harry right?" She said staring right into the street.

"Yes, and do you know his last name? Obviously you don't because I never told you that.. Well he's name is Harry Styles" I said taking a deep breath at the end just to add a little drama.

"And? Wait? Weren't those senators last names.. So he is their son.. And they are.." I was trying not to laugh as I heard her talking to herself outloud and then finally she got a conclusion. "WAIT! So he is going to live at the Upper Side too!?" She practically shouted in my face and I just nodded.

"Do you know what this means? You'll both be living in the same part of town and you'll see him everyday!" She got even more excited than what I did.

"Hail, let's be realistic okay? I'm the one that likes him, he doesn't even like me or acknowledges me as a friend, I'm just his best friend's sister." I told her when we were about to get to my house.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. We both know you guys went out more times, even if you weren't completely alone, than what anyone's "friend's sister" will go out with him. So you actually have a chance." By this time we were already outside my house so I just gave her a grateful smile and a "See you tomorrow!" before I closed the door.

My parents weren't home so I went straight into the kitchen to make myself a cereal and took it to the living room were I usually eat my dinner watching TV. I was in the middle of some old episode of Friends when my phone buzzed in my lap. It was a text that said:

*Hi Melanie! I'm the guy you met at Zac's, my name is James btw, night!* I couldn't help but smile at the memory of my new friend.


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