Chapter 11

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"Mel! Open the door please" His voice sounded more tired than when he started knocking at my door. Thirty minutes ago.

I just put the covers all the way up, covering my tear-stained face. I wasn't sure why it had taken me all this time to realize how stupid I was for still loving him after that night, but I was determined to stop.

I'll try and forget about him and who knows, maybe it will work.


I woke up in last night's clothing with sunlight covering my ears and an awful ache in my head from all the crying that happened yesterday.

Crying? Did I really cried?

My suspicions were confirmed once I went to the bathroom and saw my tear-strained face.

"You should stop crying for people who doesn't deserve your tears" The words Tess said to me a few days before I left were the only thought ringing through my mind while I took a shower trying to get rid of last night's feelings.

Taking showers is one of the few things that always help me. Sometimes I use them just to clear my head, to relieve stress, when I'm mad or just to forget and stop thinking for a little while. And today wasn't the exception.

I felt clean, relaxed and light as a feather when I was finished with my shower. It took me a little more time than the necessary to choose today's outfit but i couldn't care less, everything to keep my mind off of him. I chose a red shirt with a white jumper and some black vans and decided on texting Hailey. Maybe she was up for a Starbucks and I could tell her the details of my break down.

I feared to get out of my room. A part of me feared that when I opened the door he'd be there waiting for me to get out but, as much as I'd like to deny it, a bigger part of me feared that when I opened the door he wouldn't be there.

Come on Melanie, focus. Open that damn door. The worst scenario is to find him there, which you won't, and if you do, you just tell him to get out. Yeah right, like if it was that simple.

But even after my inner Melanies' prep talk I couldn't find it in myself to get out of the bedroom so, giving in to that fearful side of me, I took my favorite book from the small shelf next to my bed and started reading.

Harry's POV

The first thing that alerted me that Melanie was awake was the sound of water running but I was still too sleepy to open my eyes.

Like 15 minutes later, the water stopped. I heard a door being closed and another one being open. By then I was aware of what was happening.

I slowly got up from the floor and hissed at the soreness that invaded my whole body, probably from the uncomfortable position in which I slept last night.

The worst thing of all is that I needed a bathroom, and quickly. But the only reason I wasn't moving was fear. Fear that when I left she would open that door and think I hadn't waited, that I wasn't willing to fight for her. So I stood there for what seemed like ages until the need for a bathroom went away.

I sat on the floor in front of her door and checked the time: 9:04. That's why I couldn't get up earlier ha.

There was only one thought running through my mind: I had to wait for her to get out and apologize. I was completely and utterly sure that I wouldn't be leaving that house until I apologized and told her what a fool I was that night. That was my only goal.

But then as time started to pass by, I started to realize that maybe all she needed was time and space. That maybe if I gave her a little bit of space, then she will be more calmed and more relaxed. In other words that she would be more willing to accept my apologies if I left her alone for a bit, if I left her to cool off.

I checked my clock one last time: 40 minutes had passed. Closing my eyes and resting my head on the wall behind me, exhausted, I decided to leave. Only praying that the decision I was about to make was the best one for both of us.

I gave her fifteen minutes more, waiting just to be sure she wasn't coming out, and left.

I had no idea where I was going but I was totally sure everything was better than torturing myself outside her door, so I texted Louis asking him to text me the address where he was at the moment and started driving towards the unknown direction he gave me.


I ended up in a big brick house, that was situated like 15 to 20 minutes out of town. It was old but well conserved, with a small path to take you to the front door and only two windows: one on the left side that looked more like a skylight and one on the upper side of the house. I had no idea what the heck Louis was doing here and when I texted him asking about it, the only reply I got was a "You'll see ;)".

That prick.

I took my phone out of the back pocket in my jeans and sent him a text announcing my arrival and started walking towards the door to ring the bell but Louis beat me to it.

"Hazza!" He comes out of the front door with his arms in the air and black shades on, even though he just walked out of a house where I'm sure there is no sunlight. I don't know why he looks different but he does.

"Louis!" I greet him back. He takes in my appearance and his smile grows even wider.

"Tough night?" I just roll my eyes to let him know I'm not in the mood to tolerate his jokes.

"Just shut up Lou" I say and he raises his hands in a defensive manner. "What are you doing here anyway?" To that he starts smiling again and grabs my shoulders with both hands.

"You see my friend, I think it's time that you stop moping around that little friend of yours and start spending more time with me" He winks and smiles suggestively but when he sees my serious face he frowns. "Seriously Harry, I never see you smile anymore well only when you're talking with her or about her."

"Come on; just give me a chance to show you what we do in here and if you don't like it, I'll make sure you can leave as easily as you entered" He is looking at me straight in the eyes now, trying to convince me.

A little peek at was Louis does in that house won't hurt anyone, would it?

And besides it's not like I agree with what he said earlier. I'm not that into her, am I? No I couldn't be, she just got here.

Nodding my head at Louis letting him know I'm going to follow him inside. He smiles and claps his hands together in a childish way making me smile.

"Now Hazza, let me introduce you to a place where you can forget all about your worries" He says opening the door and moving aside to let me take a look inside.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out of it, not really sure of what to say about what's in front of me.

The only thing I know at the moment is I definitely wasn't expecting this.


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