A story's lie

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Authors Note:

I do not own any of these characters, if you would like to read the actual manga go check out "Ranma 1/2 By: Rumiko Takahashi" without further or due, I now present.... Akarma.


Akane slipped down her small, white door, her head hit her knees and her arms wrapped around her legs like a soft blanket. Her short Blue hair hid her small, frail face. She raised her head and noticed the light blue sky darkening through her window. She let out a heavy sigh and watched the moon slowly rise from behind the earth. A loud and heavy stomp filled the quiet Tendo house hold, a soft murmur followed behind it. Akane raised her ear to the door and sat quietly, waiting for a few words to slip out from all of the talking.

"Me?! With ..... HER?!?! No way! Never! That macho-chick can't cook, she's aggressive, and a Tomboy at that! She can't do anything right! She's good for nothing!" A voice screamed from the other side of the door. Akane could feel her own blood boil. On the other side of the door, Ranma stood, talking to his friend, Jaken. "Y-yeah, well.... Maybe you shouldn't have said that so loud. " Jaken whispered and pointed towards Akane's door. Ranma's gaze quickly changed from staring at the floor to watching Akane's door. He swiftly changed his position into a defense mode. Awaiting for the door to open, Ranma Stayed in his defense position, as sweat slowly dripped down his forehead.

Akane held the small medal door handle with great force, her eyes narrowed as sweat also clung to her body. Her head shook and and she flung the door open, anger filled her eyes and her aura began to fire up. Ranma's hands flew up to cling to the wall, his breathing sped up, but his eyes started to soften as he saw the small girl standing in front of him.. "A-A-Akane.... H-how nice to see you." He gave a small reassuring smile, and glanced over her. Her anger only worsened and she threw her fist at him, he didn't bother to dodge, knowing it would only make her swing harder.
Ranma fell back against the wall, a red mark was left on his face and he soothed it by sliding his cold, soft hand against it.

He pouted and stuck his tongue out at her. Akane looked down, her eyes started to sting and her face reddened. Not a word was said, between Akane, Ranma or Jaken, everyone was silent. Akane swiftly ran back in her room and locked the door, her eyes watering from everything that had just happened. Her eyes moved to look at the door, if anything would happen next. The door sat there quietly, and not a single noise was heard. Ranma slowly sat up as he thought about what just happened. "A-Akane?" Jaken mumbled. He knocked on the door causing a loud noise that rang throughout the Tendo Household.

Ranma jumped to his feet and kicked the door open. "Hey Macho-Chick, what was tha-" he was soon cut off by the screaming of Akane, her feelings poured out into one big blur. "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU JERK!! YOU ALWAYS MAKE FUN OF ME AND IM TIRED OF IT! EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS A LIE!! EVERYTIME I HEAR SOMETHING KIND COME OUT OF YOUR DIRTY LITTLE MOUTH I ALWAYS HOPE THAT IT WOULD LAST BUT IT NEVER DOES!!" Her head shot down to look at his feet, her eyes blurring from the tears that just kept rolling out. Her hands rose up to wipe the tears, but that didn't help anything, only more came out and she couldn't stop them. At this point she didn't have a reason to cry, only that she felt like it. The emotions she kept in this whole time finally let out, that triggered all of the tears she kept in as well. Her eyes swelled up and her face glowed a bright red. "DONT EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN! I HATE YOU!!" She screamed those last words and ended the night with a slam. Now only a small, thin door separated Akane from Ranma and his friend Jaken.

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