Cookies & Lies

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Ranma's eyes teared up, his heart beat faster, he stood there just looking into the girls big brown eyes, just like the ones Akane had. What was he meant to say? No, would go against her, and Yes, would make her mad, that is If
she was listening. He finally cleared his mind a bit and stated that what she said was true, "Yes, Akane IS my fiancé." The girl looked a bit relieved and place her hand upon her heart.

"C-c-can I help you?" He stuttered and forgot all about school. "Huh? Oh! Um... Is" The girl questioned and leaned to her side, trying to peep into their household. Ranma just shook his head and motioned for her to come in. The small girl stepped in and looked around. Her eyes filled with wonder. "Do you need something from her?" He asks politely. Her head immediately swung over and she stared at Ranma for mere moments. "Um.. Yes! She was.... Supposed to teach me how to bake today! I'm not good so she said she would help.... Well.... That is when I met her." The girl smiled and watched Ranma take in all of the information. At first his face showed some signs as being confused but he finally let out a giggle which turned into a loud laughter that rang throughout the house. "Cooking lessons? From... AKANE?!" He laughed some more and finally started to stop. The small Girl gritted her teeth, looking like she was about to throw a punch, but her eyes shifted and she finally cooled down. Ranma didn't notice any of it so she felt a bit more relaxed.

"Um yes.... Is that a problem?" She asked in a soft, innocent voice. Ranma shook his head and laughed some more, "She's not..... Never mind!" Her eyes shifted to look back at the basked that was swinging in her hands. Ranma's eyes swiftly looked down and noticed it. "What's in there?" He asked, a bit curious. At that moment Kisumi walked in from another room and mumbled something as she walked past him and the small Girl. Ranma's head flung up when he heard the single word... Err .... Name. The memories finally reached him and the once happy face was glossed over with fear. He turned his back to the girl and started for the door. The sound of small footsteps rung throughout the house and a small, warm hand held strongly upon Ranma's wrist. He stopped in his tracks and widened his eyes. His head slowly turned and faced the small girl that looked up into his small, blue eyes. Worry glossed over them and she stayed in that position for a few moments.

"W-w-what d-do you w-want?" He stuttered. His face glowing a bright pink. The girls short dress wiggled a bit, that's when he realized, the small girl was trembling. Her head shaking as she looked down. "W-what's wrong?" He whispered, the shaking stopped, and she basically jumped up with a bright smile plastered across her face. "Oh, nothing. I just.... Didn't want you to leave." Her words seemed to hide many secrets behind it, but Ranma didn't pay too much attention. His eyes seemed to lay on the fake expression she gave off. "W-what?" He asked.

Her head shook once more and she placed down the basket, while kneeling down. She flipped the covers up and a warm and sweet smell drifted through the air. She grabbed a cookie that lied on the top, and she handed to Ranma, where he seemed extremely confused, but still gave the cookie a try. The rough crunching noise rung in her ears and Ranma's expression changed dramatically. Instead of a sour tone he gave off a bright and happy one, like he just entered a magical world filled with cotton candy and MAGIC! But he didn't, he was still stuck in the same old place, the one where he lost his beloved, even though his mind was filled with something else.

"These are incredible!!! I thought you said you needed cooking lessons!" He yelled. The girl nodded, a warm and Real smile occupied her face as she spoke softly, "I'm glad you like them, but as I said I DO need cooking lessons." Her face seemed a little less cheerful but still happy. "What?! No way! You're cooking is better than anyone else's. And no stupid Akane could help you! She can't even cook herself!" He kept going on about how Akane couldn't cook as the small girl's aura fired up. She quickly waved her hand over her body and calmed down. "You shouldn't say that, Akane is a wonderful and caring person, and Amazing when it comes to cooking!" She cheered on. "Now... Would you like some milk?" She chuckled and brought her hand up, motioning to shake it. He swiftly grabbed her hand and shook it. "I don't think we properly introduced ourselves." Ranma said aloud, as he acted like a gentleman. "Alright, My name is Ak----." She stopped cold in her tracks, and sweat trickled down her face. Her eyes searched across the room before stopping, only words blurted out, "Karma!!" She yelled out. Ranma looked her in the eyes and looked a bit confused. "Karma?" He questioned. "Mhm, my name is Karma." She said in a calm tone. He nodded and still held strong onto her hand. "My name's Ranma, sorry for everything." He mentioned.

Karma looked dead into his eyes and mouthed the words....

I'm Akane.

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