Misty Eyes

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"Who ever said I would be a bother? I followed you to find Akane!" Ryoga yelled back, trying to defend himself. Ranma's frown slowly faded into a large grin, yet his eyes told the same story, and that was that he was not happy, not even close, but depressed and upset. "Okay, if you want to go find Akane, go do it yourself then, you don't need me." Ranma's grin was as a bright as the sun, he knew that it was checkmate. "I..... Well.... I can't tell direction..." Ryoga mumbled. "So? Not my problem. Unless you're gonna be a bother!" Ranma yelled back. "UGH! FINE!" Ryoga yelled out and ran back towards town. Ranma let out a soft sigh and looked back into the forest. "Finally got rid of him.." And with that he ran off.

"Akane! Hurry up, you can't be seen, or else it would look like you were skipping class!" The short red head yelled out to Akane. Akane showed the two girls a thumbs up and shooed them away. It was now only her in that small locker room. She wore overalls as shorts and a light blue short sleeved shirt, her hair was still short and she wore a small cap. "This look wouldn't attract Ranma... Would it?" Moments passed as she questioned herself and soon enough the door swung open and a few girls walked in, followed by a few more, and a few more. Akane quickly sprinted to the back door and ran out. Her movements quiet but fast.

Ranma ran across the whole forest and the mountain that akane always praised for its beauty. Soon enough the sun was kissing the earth as it was going into hiding. Ranma stopped under a tree and let out a heavy sigh. His expression no longer held the fake smile, but the depressed state he was really in. "I'm lost." He mumbled to himself. Now no light shined through the cracks of the tree branches, but only darkness filled the air. His gaze turned so that he could watch the stars start to shine. "Guess I'm staying here for the night." He plopped down and started making himself at home. A loud grumbling noise filled the quiet forest and Ranma jumped to his feet. "What was..." He looked down and another grumble appeared. "Oh, I'm hungry... I completely forgot to have anything to eat today. That stupid akane, makes me sleep out here for her, makes me not eat for her. UGH!" His loud yelling was the only thing to be heard in the night. He finally layed back and waited for himself to fall under the night's spell.

Akane ran to a nearby store that was close to closing and bought a small flashlight. Her eyes could barely stay open as she was extremely tired. "Can't go home... Maybe... A friend's? No, they all don't know what's going on and the other two are completely across town.." She let a soft sigh escape her lips as she started towards the forest. "I can just sleep here tonight... It'll be just like... Camping! Ha...ha.." She showed a not really sure if I should do this expression on her face as she stepped in.

Ranma's eyes wandered the place he was in as he wondered where Akane was. He was already half asleep and almost fully when a small little light wandered behind the tree's and caught his attention. Ranma jumped to his feet, still almost half a asleep as he sprinted towards the light. His foot caught on a tree branch and he landed on the ground, face first. "Uh-uuhhh. i-is anyone there?" Akane asked softly as she heard a large thump. Ranma bolted up faster than a bullet. "I know that voice!" He yelled out, letting Akane know exactly who it is. She as well bolted towards the other direction. Leaving the flashlight behind on the ground. Ranma had never seen if it was truly Akane, only the light so he followed it, up to where she had left it. "DAMN! AKANE!!!" He picked up the flashlight, it was slightly warm from when Akane had held it. "Where is she?! Stupid Akane! Get back over here!!" He kept running the direction he was already in only to finally find the town. "NO! I LET HER GET AWAY!" he yelled out for the town to hear.

"That... Was my one chance.... And I blew it." He sat down on the cliff that looked over their town and waited for the sun to come back and greet everyone with a warm hello. Akane sat on a high tree branch waiting for the same thing.


Authors Notse: Oh my.... I'm sooo sorry for not uploading in a while! It completely slipped my mind! I will try to upload again another chapter today because I feel very sorry if you were one of the people who waited a very long time! But I'm sorry if I don't get it out today! If not it will be uploaded some time next week! Hope you enjoy! And again I hid a little part of a song lyric in the whole chapter.

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