Unfolding Flower

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Karma flopped down on the cement and looked a bit confused. Her small smile now held a different emotion. She stared into Ranma's eyes and drifted off into her own thoughts. Her heart began to thump as she started to wonder more and more about what was happening.

Ranma sat silently awaiting her reply. The memory of the night before awakened him a little more and he let out a large yawn that snapped Karma back into the world. She watched him yawn then cleared her throat to grab his attention. "U-umm... So... Wh-who is this ... Uh... Special person of yours." She tapped her hand on her thigh to keep her eyes from falling back into his. The air suddenly lifted a little as Ranma spoke, "Well... That's for me to know and you to find out, isn't it?" He smiled and stood to his feet. His arm extended out to grab a hold of her hand and pull her up. When the both of them were up and ready to go Ranma waved his hand and sprints off like not a thing happen.

Karma stands in amazement, her eyes shocked to see him brush everything off like nothing. Her mind tells her to do the same so she starts to walk, her legs moving by themselves. She places her hand over her mouth and softly yawns.

Her feet leave her at the entrance of the Furinkan High School. "Wonder if they're here." Karma's thoughts were clouded up with Ranma, nothing more but his word's. She walks through the high school hallways, school still taking place. A tall woman walks up to her and gently smiles. "I'm sorry Miss but are you a new student?" She asks sweetly. Karma shakes her head and looks down at the womans feet, "U-um n-no, i was just hoping to meet up a teacher." Her words quiet but thoughtful. The woman nods and walks off into another classroom. Karma's eyes show many signs of relief as she walks further down the hall.

Ranma has already been all over town and still not a single sign of Akane. His breathing gets more shallow but his expression stays the same, not amused. "Ugh! Where is that stupid Akane? Hmm?!" He shouts, a few people glance over at the now angered Ranma. His face so red you could mistake it as a tomato.

Ryoga jumps down from a tall building and sticks his hand in Ranma's face, "Ranma! I have finally found you, I challenge you to a duel! Where shall we meet? The park? Hmm... Maybe.. Furinkan high? That sounds pretty good, do you like th-" he was cut off from a loud shout. "Shut up for one moment!!" Ranma's anger seems so high it could blow a hole through the ground. Ryoga was so shocked he moved back a couple feet and watched Ranma try to figure out where Akane could have gone.

"W-what troubles you Ranma?" Ryoga asks softly. "Shut up Ryoga! I need to concentrate and find Akane!" Ranma blurts out. Faster than a bullet, Ryoga answers to Ranma's statement. "Where is she?! What happened?? Is she okay?" His mouth running faster than the words he let's out. Ranma glances over to show his face to the now also angered Ryoga. "Look if you could shut up for one moment maybe I could answer all of your questions AND find Akane." And of course that shut Ryoga right up.

Karma walks right into the girls locker room, wating for two girls to arrive. She watches the door like a hawk, not letting one second go by. The door swiftly swings over and in walk to girls. A red head and a brunette. The two of them stare at Karma and let a few moments go by without a single word. One girl laughs and the other walks on over to Karma and places a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, didn't think I'd see you so soon." She smiles gently and waits for Karma's reply. "Yeah... Well I'm sick of this, this... This.... stupid prank! I dont want to sit still and look pretty!" She awaits for a reply as she starts to walk over to a blue locker with the number 1774 plastered across the top. The two girls walk behind her and giggle. "Well if you don't want to why'd you do it in the first place?" The red head asks, her eyes locked on the number. The other girl sits down and unties her shoes, "Well, whatever reason you did it for you're gonna want to hury, the other girls are coming, we're just early because the coach asked us to bring something in." Karma nods and swiftly brings out a school uniform.

Ranma sat down on a rock and thought of Akane, his mind wandered in the forest of memories. He truly felt ashamed and terrified. "Wait! What am I doing here for?!" He yells out and jumps to his feet. He swiftly runs across town, Ryoga close behind. Ranma stops and turns to face Ryoga. "Guess what punk! I'm losing my mind just trying to find that stupid Akane, I don't need another one to look after!"


Hey guys!! Hope you liked this weeks chapter! I completely forgot all about it due to how busy I am, so I kind of had to cram it all into one night. *sigh* I'm tired...
But you know, anything to make you guys happy! I'm sorry to say this again but it probably won't be another week until I can post another chapter! Stay tuned! Oh, and one more thing, can you find the two song lyrics I've hidden throughout this chapter?

~~~ Good Night/Good Day ~~~

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