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Ranma slid his finger under the latch and pulled it open, his  eyes widened to what he saw. Red hair lay on the cold metal, he grabbed it and let it drop to the floor to see what other things were hidden in her locker. The little sundress that he saw Akarma wearing earlier also lay there, with a pair of big round glasses. He picked up the dress and stared at it, moments passed by and still not a word was said.

The Brunette ran over to the small locker and peered in. Her head swung back and she let out a heavy sigh. "Look I'm sorry" She spoke out, not having enough courage to look up at Ranma. Her body trembled as she was frightened to see if Ranma was truly very angry at her.

"Why are you sorry?" He asked with a soft voice. The brunette, Seyta, pondered on the question. "B-because it wasn't Akane's fault it was our idea" She exclaimed.

The red head, Mori, didn't speak, she stood quietly stood behind the exit door making sure no one came in.
Ranma grinned and reached into the locker to grab all of the clothes. "Nah, it was the tomboys fault for listening." He paused to think for a second before carrying on, "Thank you." He smiled and ran out of the door.

The two girl stood in the changing room expressionless and quiet. Ranma ran down the street. He clutched the items Akane had worn in his arms. "I'll show that tomboy freak!" He screamed.

Akane sighed and looked up. "I guess he got lost again" She giggled. Her heart still beating fast from earlier events. She walked down the road that lead to her house. "I guess I'm just being stupid." She told her self. Many people from her school spotted her but decided not to approach her.

Shampoo was not one of them. She ran over to Akane and glared at her. "Why Akane back so soon?" She questioned. "Because I regret my decisions."Akane answered. Her eyes stung from holding back useless tears.

Shampoo grinned and ran off. "I have plan for you!" She yelled out in her chinese accent. Akane rolled her eyes and started walking again, she couldn't hold back the meaningless tears anymore.

After more time passed she finally ended up at her front door, red faced from her tears. Her hand reached out to grab the handle but the door swung open before she even touched it.

There stood a short red haired girl with the same sundress that "Akarama" wore when she spoke to Ranma. Akane and the girl sood frozen just staring. It didn't take long before Akane realized who it was.

"R-Ranma" Her voice trembling. Ranma clutched her (his) hand, so much weight was just pushed off his shoulders. "Yes? .... Akarma?" He asked, looking down on her.


Yeah I kind of lost interest in this story and I ran out of ideas. But I'm back, yay... yeah no. If you have any ideas to give me you can definitely pm me and I'll put them in! Thanks for the support! (And sorry it's a short chapter)

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